Tag Archives: angels-other

Cora Keegan Hot in a Bathing Suit for BlackLOG of the Day

Her name is Cora Keegan and apparently she’s a pretty much brand new model…I’m talking moved to New York in June to do this shit full time and I came across these pics of her in some Fashion magaine, wearing a bathing suit and found her pretty hot…so I’m posting her pics…cuz maybe she’ll find it on google and realize how bad she wants to jerk me off in her mouth for being nice to her when I usually hate on every bitch…. So I did some digging and found these pictures of her topless and awesome…I’m a fan.

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Cora Keegan Hot in a Bathing Suit for BlackLOG of the Day

Jamie Tisdale Naked in Meet Monica Velour of the Day

Her name is Jamie Tisdale, I never heard of her, but assumed she was Ashley Tisdale’s hotter cousin or sister who moved out to LA to live on Ashley’s couch, in hopes of launching her own career in entertainment only Ashley didn’t like that she got all the attention from the boys who came to visit, because let’s face it, Ashley Tisdale is ugly and catty, so catty her jealousy lead to a falling out with Jamie for getting all the attention, leading to Ashley cutting her out of her life, kicking her out of her house, blacklisting her from getting a movie or TV gig, because she’s got that kind of star power…forcing the bitch to get out there on her own….which lead to getting fully naked to pay her rent… But I found her bio….and my theory was wrong….turns out she’s a bigger nobody than I thought she was…but at least she’s naked in some crap movie…and I have the clip… Jamie Tisdale is an American television and film actress who had a regular role in 2008’s With the Angels. Other projects on which she has worked include A Mind of Its Own, The Obama Effect, Meet Monica Velour, In My Sleep, Anytown, House M.D., and The Skyjacker. Jamie has also done commercial work for Cadillac, DirecTV, Allstate, Johnson & Johnson, and Bud Light. Jamie has also worked on the music videos for Lindsay Lohan’s “Rumors” and Low Millions’s “Eleanor”.


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Jamie Tisdale Naked in Meet Monica Velour of the Day