Tag Archives: artist-explains

Chris Soules: Engaged to a Virgin on The Bachelor?!

Is The Bachelor star Chris Soules engaged to a virgin? It’s been strongly implied that one makes it all the way to the Fantasy Suite, but was she THE one? Beware, before you read this article any further, you can read The Bachelor spoilers to find out who supposedly makes it to Chris’ final four this season.  We’re not naming names here … but do we EVER name them on that page! Oh, and some or all of the ladies above may or may not be in the top four. Just saying. How’s that for being cryptic. Gotta keep it interesting on THG. Okay, now. The virgin who makes it to the Fantasy Suite apparently made for a “pretty dramatic” episode (as did the beauty with a Playboy past). Yes, Chris Soules’ top four includes both! Safe to say Prince Farming doesn’t have a type … except All-American and hot, which is all you need, really. The 33-year-old Iowa farmer was reportedly impressed with her status, stating that he thinks her choice to remain abstinent until marriage is “honorable.”    “It was pretty dramatic,” Soules said of this sexual rookie. “There were still other girls in the mix and it was unclear if she was going to be ‘the one.’” So which of the final three ladies is the infamous virgin? Interestingly, one woman has publicly said she’s a virgin so far: Ashley I., a freelance journalist who looks a little like Kim Kardashian minus the badonkadonk. SPOILER ALERT: Ashley is NOT among the top four! So there are two virgins, minimum, on Season 19 of The Bachelor . Expect producers to play up this angle like never before … or at least like Sean Lowe’s season. Will the chaste one capture Soules’ heart? If Chris gets his freak on in a tent with one of her competitors, as the season preview implies, how will she react? Only time will tell. See if you can guess who she is by clicking through the list of cast members below, and hit the comments with all your theories! The Bachelor: Season 19 Conestant Photos 1. Alissa Alissa, 24, is a flight attendant.

See the original post here:
Chris Soules: Engaged to a Virgin on The Bachelor?!

Mike Huckabee: Beyonce is a Hooker and Jay Z is Her Pimp!

This should go over well. Former Arkansas governor and likely 2016 presidential candidate Mike Huckabee previewed his new memoir this week, and one passage in particular has raised cries of WTF?! from all corners of the Internet. Discussing his views on Jay Z and Beyonce for some reason, Huckabee says that the hip hop power couple’s stage show makes him feel as though Jay is Bey’s pimp. That would mean that Mrs. Carter is…yeah, he went there: “Jay Z is a very shrewd businessman,” Huckabee writes. “But I wonder: does it occur to him that he is arguably crossing the line from husband to pimp by exploiting his wife as a sex object?” Look, anyone who’s seen Beyonce’s “7/11” video knows that the woman does, indeed, flaunt her sexuality. But that’s because she’s a grown up and she’s allowed to, not because the Jigga Man is ice cold, baby. In fact, Beyonce self-identifies as a feminist, and has served as a role model for millions of girls and young women. She was successful long before she married Jay Z and she continues to cultivate one of the enviable careers in the history of pop music. So, yes, Huckabee’s comment is patently misogynistic and has a slight tinge of racism in it. (An old white man calling a younger black man a pimp is problematic for days.)  But will he apologize? Nah, probably not. We’re guessing he figures the average Bey fan wasn’t gonna vote for him anyway. Besides, he’ll have a lot more explaining to do once the book is actually released. Apparently, he has a chapter titled, “Bend Over and Take It Like a Prisoner.” Yup – rape jokes in 2015. This dude might be too in touch with voters, if there is such a thing. 34 Blue Ivy, Beyonce & Jay Z Family Photos 1. Beyonce Kisses Blue Ivy Beyonce kisses Blue Ivy Carter in a very sweet moment which she delightfully shared for her fans.

Here is the original post:
Mike Huckabee: Beyonce is a Hooker and Jay Z is Her Pimp!

Kevin Gates: Yes, I’m F–king My Cousin … So What?!?

Kevin Gates is a rapper who has heretofore been best known for rocking a multitude of face tattoos. But it’s safe to say Kevin Gates will be better known for something else going forward: having sex with his cousin! Proudly! Kevin Gates: I’m Banging My Cousin! In an Instagram video captioned “Real Talk #bwa #idgt,” the New Orleans-based artist explains that his grandmother recently told him he was related to his girlfriend. By blood. “But I ain’t about to stop f-ckin’ with her,” he says straightforwardly And why not? Because “sh-t, the p*ssy good, and we click!” Gates explains. Not long after his initial admission went viral, Gates posted a second piece of footage in response to criticism from his fans (we have no idea why). “Man, ya’ll gonna stay out of my f-cking business,” he says in the follow-up clip. “You mean to tell me if you been f-ckin’ with somebody for three months, everything beautiful, your grandmother come tell you one day, ‘you know that’s your cousin,’ y’all done got the hard part out the way! “Why f-ck up a good thing? I don’t get that!” Would anyone care to explain it to Kevin? Or do you see his point? What would you do if you found out your girlfriend or your boyfriend was your cousin? Would you keep giving it to him or her? No way! Never! What does she look like… I mean, no! Gross! Maybe, but only if I didn’t know beforehand like Kev. View Poll » 17 Celebrity Couples That Make No Sense 1. Macaulay Culkin and Mila Kunis Before becoming Ashton Kutcher’s Baby Mama, Mila Kunis dated Macaulay Culkin…for EIGHT YEARS. Speaking of Ashton…

See the article here:
Kevin Gates: Yes, I’m F–king My Cousin … So What?!?