Tag Archives: prince-farming

Chris Soules: Engaged to a Virgin on The Bachelor?!

Is The Bachelor star Chris Soules engaged to a virgin? It’s been strongly implied that one makes it all the way to the Fantasy Suite, but was she THE one? Beware, before you read this article any further, you can read The Bachelor spoilers to find out who supposedly makes it to Chris’ final four this season.  We’re not naming names here … but do we EVER name them on that page! Oh, and some or all of the ladies above may or may not be in the top four. Just saying. How’s that for being cryptic. Gotta keep it interesting on THG. Okay, now. The virgin who makes it to the Fantasy Suite apparently made for a “pretty dramatic” episode (as did the beauty with a Playboy past). Yes, Chris Soules’ top four includes both! Safe to say Prince Farming doesn’t have a type … except All-American and hot, which is all you need, really. The 33-year-old Iowa farmer was reportedly impressed with her status, stating that he thinks her choice to remain abstinent until marriage is “honorable.”    “It was pretty dramatic,” Soules said of this sexual rookie. “There were still other girls in the mix and it was unclear if she was going to be ‘the one.’” So which of the final three ladies is the infamous virgin? Interestingly, one woman has publicly said she’s a virgin so far: Ashley I., a freelance journalist who looks a little like Kim Kardashian minus the badonkadonk. SPOILER ALERT: Ashley is NOT among the top four! So there are two virgins, minimum, on Season 19 of The Bachelor . Expect producers to play up this angle like never before … or at least like Sean Lowe’s season. Will the chaste one capture Soules’ heart? If Chris gets his freak on in a tent with one of her competitors, as the season preview implies, how will she react? Only time will tell. See if you can guess who she is by clicking through the list of cast members below, and hit the comments with all your theories! The Bachelor: Season 19 Conestant Photos 1. Alissa Alissa, 24, is a flight attendant.

See the original post here:
Chris Soules: Engaged to a Virgin on The Bachelor?!

The Bachelor Season 19 Preview: Why Does Chris Beg For Forgiveness?

On The Bachelor season premiere Monday, the producers tried their best to portray Chris Soules as a sweet, normal, salt of the earth kind of dude. Which by all accounts he is. But therein lies the problem: How do present the farmer as such, but at the same time inject massive amounts of ridiculousness, drama and contrived nonsense into the proceedings?! This extended preview is basically a four-minute preview of a season that attempts to achieve this difficult, but sort of necessary balancing act. Does it have the desired effect? Watch it below and decide … The Bachelor Season 19 Preview If you’re looking for The Bachelor spoilers here … tough. Anything seen in promos for the ABC “reality” show are so carefully spliced together, so brilliantly manipulated, the producers can sell you on anything. They’re the best at what they do, even if we hate them a little bit for it. So take everything you see in the video above with a grain (nay, a boulder) of salt. That being said, here are some of the main takeaways: Chris Soules is a simple man who just wants to find a wife, make the most of this great opportunity to find love and bring it on back to Iowa. Girls be jealous. And catty. “My idea of quality time doesn’t involve other people,” one says, in a familiar refrain from seasons past. Britt Nilsson , Kelsey Poe, Whitney Bischoff and possibly others are all seen in tears, while Kelsey (we think) gets treated by paramedics. Chris made a huge mistake and must beg for forgiveness. It’s made to appear like his slip-up involves boning someone in a tent. Prince Farming pulls an Andi Dorfman, assembling the women to tell them that if they don’t feel he’s there to find a wife, they can leave. A VIRGIN is headed to the Fantasy Suite! Who do you think is the potential first-timer? And who will win Chris’ final rose? Scroll through his list of candidates this season and hit the comments! The Bachelor: Season 19 Conestant Photos 1. Alissa Alissa, 24, is a flight attendant.

See original here:
The Bachelor Season 19 Preview: Why Does Chris Beg For Forgiveness?

Britt Nilsson: The Best Hugger EVER, Chris Soules Gushes!

Britt Nilsson is someone to keep your eye on this season on The Bachelor, having walked away with Chris Soules’ “first impression” rose last night. You wouldn’t expect a waitress from Hollywood to catch Chris’ eye like she did, and who knows if it’ll last (see The Bachelor spoilers for more on that). The farmer from Arlington, Iowa, was undoubtedly smitten with her on Monday’s premiere, though, and not just because she’s gorgeous. And a hugger. Okay, those were the main reasons. But good ones! “When that first limo pulled up, I took some deep breaths and tried to settle my nerves. The hug from Britt definitely helped,” Chris blogged on People . “And yes, it really did seem to last forever,” he adds, “but I can’t put the hug only on Britt. The truth is that I really am a hugger. Always have been.” “Turns out so is Britt. Put two huggers together and what do you get? Yep, the longest televised hug in history. It really was a nice moment we shared.” “Ultimately, I gave the first impression rose to Britt.” “She not only gave me the best hug of my entire life,” he reiterates, “but also made me feel comfortable on what was a pretty stressful evening.” “I think it helped put both of us at ease.” Chris may not have looked at ease during The Bachelor season premiere – in fact, he looked pretty darn nervous – but he sure cleaned up well. He credited the show’s stylist for that, and his friend and former Bachelorette co-star Cody Sattler for getting him into insane shape prior to last night. “I needed to look good for these women,” he writes. “I’ve seen the show enough to know that every once in a while, the Bachelor takes his shirt off!” “Having Cody train me was an experience,” Chris adds. “He would wake me up every morning, jumping around my room and playing crazy music.” “A few minutes later, he and I would begin our first workout of the day. Within a week, I could feel and see the difference. I was ready, at least physically.” The Bachelor: Season 19 Conestant Photos 1. Alissa Alissa, 24, is a flight attendant. “As that first night approached, the more nervous and excited I got. How could I not be, knowing there was a chance I could be meeting my future wife?!” “That said, none of it felt real until that first limo pulled in … when I saw the headlights of that first limo, I knew they were stuck with me, for better or for worse.” “While some [women] were more memorable than others, all of them were drop-dead gorgeous. I couldn’t believe how lucky I was to be getting to meet them.” “On the other hand,” he notes, “I couldn’t believe how unlucky I was knowing I was going to have to send some of them home at the end of the night. As for the aspiring wives that really stood out? “Talking to Whitney was definitely a highlight,” Chris Soules says, “as was finding Amanda, my secret admirer. And they kept coming and coming!” And the drunken elephant in the room? “As I handed out the roses, I started noticing Tara. I could tell she was a little shaky on her feet and that she had probably had a few too many drinks.” “I must admit it was a little disappointing to see her so out of it, but I’m no choir boy, and I’m the first person to admit that we all make mistakes.” “Tara also seemed fun and cool, someone I wanted to get to know better,” he says of Tara’s second chance. “Ultimately, I gave her a rose, and I don’t regret it.” “That was the end of one unforgettable night. Or so I thought! Kimberly pulled me aside for one more conversation. Did she really ask for a second chance?” “And if so, did I give it to her?” With that, Prince Farming’s inaugural blog post ends with a cliffhanger, much like the show itself. He sure seems to be getting the hang of this. Chris Soules Photos: The Bachelor 2015! 1. Chris Soules is The Bachelor 2015 Chris Soules is The Bachelor 2015. Here he is, leaving no doubts about it.

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Britt Nilsson: The Best Hugger EVER, Chris Soules Gushes!