Tag Archives: ashely-smith

Ashley Smith has a Nipple of the Day

This just in….Titty model Ashely Smith – has a Nipple…because without said nipple, her titty modeling would be pretty fucking awkward…no offence to you nipple-less girls out there – I know that being born without a nipple, or having them removed due to cancer is a terrible thing that would make you feel insecure, but shouldn’t…because a nipple-less tit is still a tit…and if the cancer was aggressive you’re probably left emaciated and that is a hot look…compared to all the fat chicks out there owning their fatness… MEANING…don’t be insecure about no nipples, when looking at nipples, like Ashley Smith nipples, that made her cool and have a career….because there are are a whole bunch of slutty fat chicks happy and secure in being fat…which actually disgusting….so if they can be happy with their serious vile flaw….nipples or not…I’ll still want to fuck you….and so will a lot of other people….while fat chicks…that’s for drunk at 4 am if I’m really in the need to hang out with a vagina…which I generally am not – since they are annoying…like Ashley Smith who has already retired once from modeling, and became friendly on social media…until returning to modeling in the mainstream…and has become the fucking worst…ego, thinking she’s hot..but at least she’s not fat…and has nipples…giving her real fucking purpose.. I didn’t look for the rest of the pictures… The post Ashley Smith has a Nipple of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Ashley Smith has a Nipple of the Day

Alicia Vikander Oscar Winner to Purse Vendor of the Day

If you win an Oscar….and not even for your most compelling role as an android woman….but rather for whatever Alicia Vikander won her Oscar for…her agents will pawn you off to luxury fashion brands that pay millions of dollars in endorsement deals…because they think that her winning an Oscar is enough for her to matter or to be glamourous and amazing…yet in reality…Alicia Vikander’s name is never brought up ever…she’s not memorable…but will be milked like a cow, exploited and made very rich in the process thanks to that Oscar win…and I guess this is just part of the equation…and it’s too bad..they couldn’t at least make the shit hot…interesting…engaging…compelling…anything but a hollywood bitch being paid to hold a fucking purse…in a world where people are starving to death….good stuff…assholes.. What a fucking artist…sell out garbage…horrible human being….cashing in trash… There’s a video… The post Alicia Vikander Oscar Winner to Purse Vendor of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Alicia Vikander Oscar Winner to Purse Vendor of the Day

Bella Thorne for Playboy of the Day

LOL! Bella Thorne’s instagram is more intense, interesting, intriguing, slutty, perverted, something you can jerk off to than this shoot Bella Thorne did for Playboy… Playboy magazine has become Seventeen Magazine…or Cosmo…and will soon come with artiles on how to manage your period. Maybe Playboy is just being ironic, you know because girls are getting naked all the fucking time on social media, the only logical thing to get something shocking or different out of them – is to put them in fucking clothes…. It’s such a lame hustle they’ve done, instead of owning the nude magazine prestige – something that made money for years…this going SAFE FOR WORK…when the only thing people wanted from playboy was the nudity…NOT THE FUCKING ARTICLES – THAT WAS JUST A JOKE – BECAUSE IT WAS CLEAR THEY WANTED THE PICTURES – NOT THE ARTICLES – THAT IS WHAT THE PUNCHLINE AND THE LOLZ was… I mean…getting the hottest girl in the entertainment industry…the girl dudes are jerking off to without knowing who she is….and posing her like this…what the fuck… Garbage…I guess the brand is dead with Hefner…. Big girl Sports Illustrated model Ashely Smith…straight from Hipster Texas…who I only know from all her early nude work with her mosnter tits…is the Cover Girl….shot by some fake hipster overrated photographer trash named Zooey Grossman..because Playboy even with big tits…sucks…on their attempt at high concept with no nudity… Here are those pics – that are so tired and Played out…it’s like Playboy is real late to the game – Ashley Smith is like 40 and Zooey Grossman has taken this same picture for the last 10 years….get NEW fucking BLOOD world…fucking garbage…big tits…censored sheer panties…totally missing the mark on sex appeal…because PLAYBOY is Seventeen Magazine…perfect for your teen daughter….or 45 year old wife who has no fucking clue as to what’s going on in the world…GARBAGE And a video: The post Bella Thorne for Playboy of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Bella Thorne for Playboy of the Day

Chloe Grace Moretz Seductive Beach Pics of the day

Chloe Grace Moretz posted these black and white – romantic day at the beach – probably shot by rich kid David Beckham TRUST fund Spice Junior… You know before slamming her up the ass like most of these non-committal youth that grew up on porn pass each other around, and perpetuate chlamydia through the halls of Senior Year high school…they grew up on porn and know how to face fuck….and it’s all so exciting..but not really, these pics are nothing like the selfies I want to see, or the amateur sex pics I want to see, oh baby nice upper back – I’m so hard….because pussy and asshole are just so fucking standard…we need to go obscure and high concept….step it the fuck up girl… The post Chloe Grace Moretz Seductive Beach Pics of the day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Chloe Grace Moretz Seductive Beach Pics of the day

Ashely Smith for Team USA Instagram of the Day

Ashley Smith posted this old TEAM USA picture for the Olympics, where TEAM USA t-shirts seems to be a hipster photoshoot a few years ago, and the trend this Olympics is for these low level models – who have miraculous become relevant models thanks to their titty modeling – putting their early titty work out there…works for me…what doesn’t work for me is Ashley Smith. She’s one of those too cool for everyone model hipsters…and when I used to leave romance on her instagram she just ignored and possibly blocked me and it would have hurt so bad – if I had feelings and if she wasn’t someone who I can get everything I want out of – with pics she posts – like this… The post Ashely Smith for Team USA Instagram of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Ashely Smith for Team USA Instagram of the Day

Ashely Smith for Team USA Instagram of the Day

Ashley Smith posted this old TEAM USA picture for the Olympics, where TEAM USA t-shirts seems to be a hipster photoshoot a few years ago, and the trend this Olympics is for these low level models – who have miraculous become relevant models thanks to their titty modeling – putting their early titty work out there…works for me…what doesn’t work for me is Ashley Smith. She’s one of those too cool for everyone model hipsters…and when I used to leave romance on her instagram she just ignored and possibly blocked me and it would have hurt so bad – if I had feelings and if she wasn’t someone who I can get everything I want out of – with pics she posts – like this… The post Ashely Smith for Team USA Instagram of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Ashely Smith for Team USA Instagram of the Day