Tag Archives: time-on-social

Scott Disick to Younes Bendjima: I’ll Kick Your Ass!

If you follow the experimental real life-soap opera that is Scott Disick’s life, then you’re probably aware that the Lord is hitting the skids these days, even by the very low standards he set for himself a decade ago. The best system for gauging the severity of Disick’s latest bender is the beard smell test, and sources who have been close to Scott’s matted thatch of facial hair say they’re currently picking up hints of hints of stale bourbon, gentleman’s club glitter, and cut-rate MDMA. Okay, we may have made all that up, but the fact remains that Scott’s having a rough time lately, and his self-destructive behavior is only making things worse. It seems like his latest bender was triggered by the news that Kourtney Kardashian is dating Younes Bendjima . No one wants their ex to immediately move on with a 23-year-old boxer-turned-male-model, but that’s exactly what happened to Scott. Of course, it’s worth nothing that Disick put Kourtney through a decade of hell; they broke up countless times before it finally stuck; and even this current situation has to be better than when Kourtney was hooking up with Justin Bieber . But despite the fact that Scott created this mess himself and has been embarrassed far worse in the past, he still went off the deep end when he learned Kourtney and Younes were getting serious. In the past week, Scott’s hooked up with Bella Thorne , Ella Ross, Chloe Bartoli, and reportedly several others, all in an effort to exact some sort of petty revenge on his ex. Obviously, it hasn’t prompted Kourtney to end her relationship and go running back to her toxic ex, so Scott’s changing strategies. It seems he’s now in the process of switching gears from passive-aggressive to aggressive-aggressive, which should end very badly for all involved. “Scott called Younes and told him that if he sees him he is going to ‘kick his ass’ for stealing Kourtney from him,” a source close to the situation tells Radar Online. Yes, Disick has apparently reached the point in his delusions where he thinks it’s a good idea for him to threaten ex-boxers who are 11 years his junior. We know those closest to him are worried for his health, but we thought they were just afraid his liver would explode, sending shards of Goldschlager shrapnel scattering in every direction. Little did we know the Lord’s out here flying kamikaze missions. Someone needs to get this dude away from the bottles and teenage girls before this situation gets any sadder. View Slideshow: 12 Times Scott Disick Was a Total Douche

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Scott Disick to Younes Bendjima: I’ll Kick Your Ass!

Bella Thorne Mauls Gregg Sulkin, Sticks it to Scott Disick in Racy New Pic

It’s a sad day when a grown man’s antics are so bad that a teen girl feels the need to put some visible distance between them. So, you know how absolutely everyone is fed up with Scott Disick’s hard-to-miss antics with 19-year-old girls? It looks like we can count Bella Thorne in with the rest of us. She’s apparently spent the last two days hanging out with ex Gregg Sulkin, and has not been shy about sharing that on Instagram. Of course, Bella’s never been a shy kinda girl. She’s straightforward about showing off her body, and she’s never minced words about being bisexual . And they both look great in that photo, because of course they do. Scott Disick’s apparent attempt to get back at Kourtney Kardashian has been to be seen very publicly with attractive young women. Not only is that backfiring, but it’s led to some buyer’s remorse from people like Bella Thorne who got caught in the middle. On the surface, they were a perfect fit, since anyone on Scott’s arm is going to get noticed and Bella Thorne is known for grabbing people’s attention. Usually just with photos of herself. Some would say that she’s desperate, others say that she just likes flaunting her body. Honestly, can we blame her? Now, lots of people spend time with their exes. They might even be cuddly. Not everyone posts those photos to Instagram. Maybe they’re just rekindling their old relationship, but it would also be a very effective way for Bella to send a message.to Scott and also to the world that she’s put that Cannes drama behind her. We hope that this isn’t a case of her using Gregg to get back at Scott for using her . That would be enough like a soap opera to make your head spin. Bella has a few exes, and a lot of her younger fans would be delighted to see her get back with Gregg Sulkin. The two had dated for a good long while and only broke up late last summer. Their relationship wasn’t controversial like, say, her rumored romance with YouTuber and accused rapist Sam Pepper. Because yikes . That situation was short-lived for a reason. But until someone makes a real announcement, Bella and Gregg are just friends. Friends who used to date and who have been very visibly inseparable for the last couple of days. Cuddly friends. But friends nonetheless. Overall, it looks like Bella is still young, but making better choices for herself these days. That’s kind of what being 19 is all about. View Slideshow: 33 Hottest Bella Thorne Photos EVER!

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Bella Thorne Mauls Gregg Sulkin, Sticks it to Scott Disick in Racy New Pic

Kathy Griffin "Beheads" Donald Trump, Pisses Off Internet

Warning: There are three people involved in this story, and perpetually-parched celebrity photographer Tyler Shields might be the least obnoxious one. You may remember Shields from the time when he took lots photos of Lindsay Lohan seductively nibbling her fingers , back when that was a thing some people wanted to see. Chronicling the life of LiLo never helped Shields develop into a slightly less creepy Terry Richardson like it was supposed to, so these days he's changing strategies. Interestingly, he remains fixated on Cheeto-colored throwback celebs who wore out their welcomes well over a decade ago. And now, Shields has figured out a way to squeeze two carrot-hued relics into one desperate publicity stunt. Yes, if you've spent much time on social media today, then you probably caught wind of the controversy involving Kathy Griffin and a bloody, beheaded Trump dummy. If you haven 't been on Twitter in the past couple hours, we recommend you keep your distance, as the takes are more red hot than Jared Kushner's face when someone uses the phrase “back channel” in his presence. They're hotter than the incubation room where Steve Bannon stores the leathery eggs of his future progeny. They might even be hotter than the young, Lahren-esque communications director who will emerge out of nowhere once Kellyanne and Spicy go missing sometime next week. People are pissed, is what we're saying. And of course, no one is more pissed than noted famous name-haver and grown up kid from The Omen , Donald Trump, Jr. “Disgusting but not surprising. This is the left today. They consider this acceptable,” an irate DJTJ told the press today. Griffin is sticking to her guns, claiming that she does not condone violence, and is merely sticking it to the “Mocker-in-Chief” in the crass fashion he seems to prefer. “There was blood coming out of his eyes, blood coming out of his … wherever,” Griffin said, referencing last year's infamous Trump-Megyn Kelly feud . Check out some footage from the photo shoot to decide for yourself if Griffin was out of line, or just giving Donnie a taste of his own medicine:

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Kathy Griffin "Beheads" Donald Trump, Pisses Off Internet

Instagram Model Gabby Epstein Looks Like She Works Hard

Gabby Epstein is some Instgram model who pretty much spends her life in a bikini visiting beautiful locations. She has over a million followers and from what I read is only 20 years old, which means she will probably never work a day in her life. Cause we all know the goal of being an Instagram model is to find a rich dude and live the easy life. Not that it’s a bad thing, but to all you feminist who say that women are repressed, spend some time on social media. Paints a whole different picture. Welcome to the Philippines….I think I'm going to like it here ✨ WHO ELSE LOVES THE PHILIPPINES? #vamppedtours A video posted by Gabrielle Grace Epstein (@gabbyepstein) on Sep 29, 2016 at 1:35pm PDT » view all 13 photos          

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Instagram Model Gabby Epstein Looks Like She Works Hard

Is that a Hailee Steinfeld Pussy Flash of the Day

Hailee Steinfeld flashing her pussy – or what may be her pussy is a huge deal – if you care about Hailee Steinfeld… LA born and raised child star from TRUE GRIT, that perverts everywhere have been watching as she turns herself into a popstar…because popstars make more money than actors…. She’s actually looking fitter than usual, a little less fat, because at one point in time she was a big girl….but now she’s a girl I am watching in GIF..over an over…to see if I see labia…mainly because I’m pathetic and have very little else to do with my time. I guess I could go to Facebook and write Trump statuses with everyone else…because that’s not getting boring as fuck… Here’s the original…I don’t think you can see vag. A video posted by hailee steinfeld (@haileesteinfeld) on Nov 10, 2016 at 10:02pm PST The post Is that a Hailee Steinfeld Pussy Flash of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Is that a Hailee Steinfeld Pussy Flash of the Day

The Taylor Swift Ass Grab Photo of the Day

In silly Taylor Swift news….she’s suing some radio DJ from Denver for grabbing her ass while posing for a photo. His name is DJ David Mueller and the claim is that he “reached up under my skirt and grabbed my ass right when I was having to pose for a photo.” This is the picture that Taylor Swift was trying to keep private, despite it being the evidence in the lawsuit…. Now I’ve grabbed my fair share of asses that didn’t ask to be grabbed, the most famous one being Lady Gaga’s ass many years ago – before she was famous – but she was in a leotard in a VIP booth at a club I was at – and I just couldn’t help myself from reaching in and being a full creeper….I was drunk and I was trying to get her attention and she didn’t even notice, it was a great ass and her security didn’t notice, so I didn’t get my ass kicked….or sued for sexual harassment… I didn’t do it for sexual reasons, I never really assault girls like that, so I realize how creepy that kind of thing is to do, I’ve grown since then and I’d never grab an ass unless I was paying 10 dollars a song to do it….so if I was this close to Taylor Swift, I’d be more inclined to throw semen at her vagina hoping it stuck to make me well funded babies…even though the rumor is she’s already pregnant – not sure who the father is – because she likes to fuck….just not low level radio DJ creeps. I hope they give him the chair….because women’s rights…in this feminist era has no room for pussy grabbing – just because your president claims when you’re rich and famous you can grab them by the pussy – because you can….and if you’ve seen a girl around someone she thinks is amazing – like a DJ, bartender, celebrity, etc…you’ll know….just last weekend – there was this 20 year old babe in a cleavage revealing shirt working the bartender, with half her tit hanging out….just like that…half tit exposed…and she knew it…she just wanted him to know it…because girls are the predators….just not to dudes they want nothing to with….like Me! Point of the story is – don’t grab random ass…there are plenty of willing girls who want their asses grabbed…focus on them. Via TMZ The post The Taylor Swift Ass Grab Photo of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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The Taylor Swift Ass Grab Photo of the Day

Ariel Winter’s Ass Show of the Day

Ariel Winter is in Mexico – and she’s decided to do 2 back to back ass posts on social media – high concept shameless butt shots because she obviously loves her ass, and wants to show off her ass…and people must be giving her ass a lot of love and attention affirming that she should continue to post ass pics …because if you spend any time on social media, you’ll know it’s all about slutty pics, selfies or fake photoshoots, every girl gets half naked…and this one, I guess felt liberated at 18 from whatever contracts that bound her – creating this New Zealand Tsunami of slutty half naked pics…it’s what the kids are into – it’s what they want… I generally find her terrifying to look at, but I didn’t watch her tits form on that TV show, I just know about her from her social media hustle, but the nice thing about 18 year old ass – is that even if you know it’s chubby – and going to be sloppy as fuck – the collagen in their skin – keeps everything that may one day be terrifying – perky and firm…so it’s not as bad as it could be…and that’s all I have to say about that. The post Ariel Winter’s Ass Show of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Ariel Winter’s Ass Show of the Day

Bella Thorne for Playboy of the Day

LOL! Bella Thorne’s instagram is more intense, interesting, intriguing, slutty, perverted, something you can jerk off to than this shoot Bella Thorne did for Playboy… Playboy magazine has become Seventeen Magazine…or Cosmo…and will soon come with artiles on how to manage your period. Maybe Playboy is just being ironic, you know because girls are getting naked all the fucking time on social media, the only logical thing to get something shocking or different out of them – is to put them in fucking clothes…. It’s such a lame hustle they’ve done, instead of owning the nude magazine prestige – something that made money for years…this going SAFE FOR WORK…when the only thing people wanted from playboy was the nudity…NOT THE FUCKING ARTICLES – THAT WAS JUST A JOKE – BECAUSE IT WAS CLEAR THEY WANTED THE PICTURES – NOT THE ARTICLES – THAT IS WHAT THE PUNCHLINE AND THE LOLZ was… I mean…getting the hottest girl in the entertainment industry…the girl dudes are jerking off to without knowing who she is….and posing her like this…what the fuck… Garbage…I guess the brand is dead with Hefner…. Big girl Sports Illustrated model Ashely Smith…straight from Hipster Texas…who I only know from all her early nude work with her mosnter tits…is the Cover Girl….shot by some fake hipster overrated photographer trash named Zooey Grossman..because Playboy even with big tits…sucks…on their attempt at high concept with no nudity… Here are those pics – that are so tired and Played out…it’s like Playboy is real late to the game – Ashley Smith is like 40 and Zooey Grossman has taken this same picture for the last 10 years….get NEW fucking BLOOD world…fucking garbage…big tits…censored sheer panties…totally missing the mark on sex appeal…because PLAYBOY is Seventeen Magazine…perfect for your teen daughter….or 45 year old wife who has no fucking clue as to what’s going on in the world…GARBAGE And a video: The post Bella Thorne for Playboy of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Bella Thorne for Playboy of the Day

Why Rachel Roy Called The Cops on The Beyhive

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Rachel Roy has had a difficult time on social media following Beyonce‘s Lemonade album release—and things just took another turn for the designer. According to reports, Rachel Roy blames Bey-hivers for her email and phone being hacked and believes it was the speculation that she was “Becky with the good hair” that directly led to her […]

Why Rachel Roy Called The Cops on The Beyhive

Jenelle Evans Responds to Claims That She’s a Bad Mom

If you watch Teen Mom online , you know that Jenelle Evans has made some seriously questionable parenting decisions over the years. Jenelle has recently made it clear that she wants to win back custody of her son Jace , who has spent most of his life in the care of Jenelle’s mother, Barbara. Naturally, this resulted in some backlash on social media, but as you can see in the video below, Jenelle refuses to listen to the haters: Jenelle Evans on Barbara Evans: She Still Sucks! The Teen Mom trainwreck addresses claims that she’s an unfit parent at around the one-minute mark of the video above. “They think, ‘Oh I’m never with Kaiser,’— Kaiser isn’t in daycare first of all because all the daycares where I live, they are all booked and there is a waiting list,” Jenelle said during an interview with Radar Online. “So I mean, I can’t even get him into daycare and he’s home with me 24-7.  “I’m either cleaning, I’m doing laundry. I’m always doing something because once Kaiser goes to sleep, I mean I have a big mess to clean up after Kaiser.” Jenelle added that she spends less time on social media these days, as she’s committed to being a more attentive mom. Apparently, she even goes far as to occasionally turn her phone off completely. We guess that’s a start.  Now if only she could go a few straight months without getting arrested…

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Jenelle Evans Responds to Claims That She’s a Bad Mom