Tag Archives: assume-it-stems

Charlotte McKinney Keeps Holding On of the DAy

Charlotte McKinney has an interesting story, I mean it isn’t really that interesting, not that I actually know it, but based on my speculation, something illicit went on with her “Career”…because it was hardly a career…she has never done anything… She’s just a Florida trash cocktail waitress girl with massive tits, who may be rich and thanks to being rich got to go to all the right parties, where someone connected brought her iin because guys love tits… She did one Guess campaign she probably didn’t get paid for, and that no one noticed…then booked Dancing with the Stars, then booked Carl’s Jr probably through Dancing with the Stars, because they wanted to justify who she was before announcing the new crew… If anything the fact we know she exists is more amazing than her silly tits… The post Charlotte McKinney Keeps Holding On of the DAy appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Charlotte McKinney Keeps Holding On of the DAy

Taylor Swift Belly Button of the Day

Taylor Swift has it all figured out. She has mastered getting people talking about her because they feel an intense emotionally connection to her. She’s been marketed as speak to the public’s needs and wants…and in doing that she’s always managed to come out on top. She’s always the victim…and one of the stories she was a victim in was that she had no belly button, because she always wore high waisted bathing suits… Well, it looks like with her hundreds of millions of dollars…coupled with being the novelty person models and other celebrities like having around because she’s Taylor Swift….she’s either bought a belly button…or forund the confidence to show it off…being silly, because all of this is silly, the fact she makes as much as she does doing what she does is silly, so fuck with the media with one of your minions being cute…and I guess what it comes down to is that I’d totally fuck her belly button or really any part of her if she let me…I get turned on by social manipulating skinny girls who put out…making silly jokes. The post Taylor Swift Belly Button of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Taylor Swift Belly Button of the Day

Anna Kendrick Mouth Terrifies me in her Bathing Suit of the Day

Anna Kendrick is a massive star. Everyone fucking loves her. She constantly gets work. I assume it is based on being accessible as fuck, average at best, where girls and gay guys think she’s just fabulous, probably thanks to Pitch Perfect…all it takes is one likeable character… I find her irritating, at least to look at, because I don’t hear words when people like her tale, so whether a good actor or not doesn’t matter…not that I think acting is something you can be good at, but rather just a fucking scam as a whole, I wouldn’t know, because I”m too irritated to notice… I assume it stems from her weird mouth….or maybe it is her in a weirdo one-piece…but this is the first time I’m seeing that…and my dislike of her is deep-rooted…just fuel to the not hot enough to be as rich and famous as she is hustle.. TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS CLICK HERE The post Anna Kendrick Mouth Terrifies me in her Bathing Suit of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Anna Kendrick Mouth Terrifies me in her Bathing Suit of the Day

Beyonce Tries to Sex it Up For H&M of the Day

I don’t understand what insanity was put into Beyonce’s brain after she gave birth to what may be a future drug overdose thanks to horrible parents and a lot of disposable income, but whatever it was, it’s bad. She thinks, for some reason, that she has the body to pose half naked, and sex it up, on stage and in life, like she was Rihanna. I assume it stems from Jealousy, that comes with Rihanna giving Jay Z more than Beyonce ever will. You know, old fat hag trying to keep up with the young girls who make her husband millions a year, but far more pathetic than when you see a competitive mom in Lululemons with her daughter shopping, because she wants some of that mail attention the daughter is getting too, because it’s on a bigger, more public scale. I mean bitch, just fucking retire and disappear. We don’t need your fat ass around these parts.

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Beyonce Tries to Sex it Up For H&M of the Day