Tag Archives: barbados

Poor Thing: Karlie Redd Sues Shady Dealership For Pinching Her Porsche 

Getty Image A crying shame. Lawsuits: Karlie Redd Sues Dealership For “Repossessing” Porsche Out Of Her Locked Garage Karlie Redd says a dealership stole her Porsche after she breaking onto her property — they are saying it was lawfully repossessed!  According to a T MZ report , the Love and Hip Hop Star filed a claim that says a couple of goons from Vanderhall Exoctics Of Houston, forced their way onto her property, breaking into her garage earlier this year. That’s when she says in documents that they drove away with the 2014 Porsche Panamara. Vanderhall said they had to repossess the car for lack of payments. Karlie calls BS on that! She says she’d made $43,300 worth of payments on the car she purchased for $57,397. She says they also got into her house, stole an unspecified amount of jewelry and clothing. Karlie then called police and, through an app, traced the car back to the dealer in Texas. Karlie strongly disagrees with the dealership’s claims that the move was “lawful”. She’s suing to get back all the money she’d paid on car now. Do you think she has a case?   She says she’d made $43,300 worth of payments on the car she purchased for $57,397  

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Poor Thing: Karlie Redd Sues Shady Dealership For Pinching Her Porsche 

This Band’s Carnival Costumes Will Make You Want To Jump & Wine

META Drops Get Ups For Crop Over One Bajan Carnival band has got the look when it comes to celebrating the annual Crop Over celebration later this summer. The META Band debuted its costumes for Crop Over in Barbados this summer. The looks include a Dead President-esque costume with black feathers, a matching fishnet top and a black beret. For the men, a feathered headdress with matching Bermuda shorts and a dream catcher like necklace fit the bill. The carnival group’s theme is the rising of the phoenix in human form, and their costumes were created to reflect that vision, conceptualized by the band’s leader, Pretty Boy Records CEO Trevor Pretty. The band will be in full costume as they “jump up” through the streets of Barbados’ capital city, Bridgetown, during the Carnival’s “Grand Kadooment Parade” Aug. 7. Crop Over is a days-long annual Bajan that features parades, parties, dinners and other fetes and runs the first week of August. If you’re interested in attending, visit their website. Hit the flip for more costume pics:

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This Band’s Carnival Costumes Will Make You Want To Jump & Wine

Tracey’s Back! Check Out The Trailer For Season 2 Of Chewing Gum

For those of us watching television Stateside,  Chewing Gum   probably became one of your favorite shows this year after making its debut on Netflix in late October. But the series actually premiered in 2015 on the British TV channel E4. In case you missed the greatness of this six-episode series, it’s focused on Tracey Gordon. She is the virginal daughter of a religious mother who is trying to see more of the world — and have some sex.Tracey, played by Michaela Coel, who both created and writes the series, ended up winning two BAFTA Awards earlier this year for her work. She took home Best Female Comedy Performance and Breakthrough Talent for writing the comedy. With that much success not only across the pond but a bubbling influence here in the United States, you knew a second season had to be on the way. [ madamenoire ] $5 Million Class-Action Lawsuit Accuses St. Ives Apricot Scrub Of Damaging Skin In the $5 million class-action lawsuit, the women state that dermatological research warns that the walnut shells in the scrub can cause inflammation, which leads to breakouts and accelerated aging. The women’s specific issue though is that the St. Ives product says it’s “dermatologist tested.” While it may be, it’s misleading to put that information on the product considering that the ingredients in their products are not recommended by dermatologists. [ madamenoire ] #CallYoPresident: Black Motorist Leaves Trump Supporter Stranded In Snow Troy Brown might have gotten some lumps of coal in his stocking this past Christmas, this after he left a Donald Trump supporter stranded in their car in the middle of an Ohio snowstorm. Brown posted a video of him passing the motorist by to his Facebook page, which has since gone viral and drew out the racists of course. Brown posted the video two weeks ago when Ohio was slammed by a heavy snowstorm. Using the clever hashtag “#CallYoPresident,” he then posted the video of him explaining the situation with a photo of the stranded vehicle. Naturally, Trump types and your garden variety racist trolls found the public post and began hurling racial slurs and threats common for those hiding behind keyboards. “Wow, pretty low move, and to brag? Lol. I’m sorry your morals are so misguided,” said one person. Another just went straight for the jugular and called Brown a “black piece of sh*t.” Other gems included, “And that’s what’s wrong with people nowadays I was raised to help everyone in need no matter what but what do I know I’m just a gun owning patriotic American and you sir are a piece of sh*t.” Brown got plenty of support from the other side and amped up his stances by placing a comment that read, ” A list of people Trump voters can call for help: 1. Yo president 2. Exxon Mobil CEO 3. General Flynn’s son 4. The gunman at Comet pizza in D.C.” [ hiphopwired ] Carrie Fisher’s Autopsy on Hold [ tmz ] Rihanna Steps Out in Floral Bliss While In Barbados [ hellobeautiful ] Pink Welcomes Son, Jameson Moon, With Husband Carey Hart [ huffingtonpost ] Teen Runaway Saved From Prostitution — by Uber Driver [ iheartradio ] Former NFL Safety Keion Carpenter Dies [ balleralert ]

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Tracey’s Back! Check Out The Trailer For Season 2 Of Chewing Gum

Suki Waterhouse and Immy Waterhouse Still in Bikini of the DAy

Suki Waterhouse is a model who looked 12 years old when Brad Cooper was violating her – as the womanizer he was – before leaving her for Irina Shayk – the Russian who takes and gets what she wants – including her uterus filled with his fetus….leaving Suki to fend for herself and run to places like Barbados with her rich family…because she’s a rich kid… So she may have cheated on Brad Cooper throughout their time together – maybe she ended it – becasue spoiled girls are like that, they take what they want when they want it and have no souls while doing it…maybe she maximized the press she could get around being the hole he sticks his HANGOVER dick in….but I could be just making shit up – based on the rich fat women I’ve fucked because they were trying to piss off their actual boyfriends – because they know they are only worth their trust fund / bank account and that’s why we’re all with them…but me more drinks and pay for my mean porker… I think the most interesting thing in all this is her sisters tits in the bikini (she’s the greenish blue top/white bikini)….her name is IMMY…and I want to IRINA SHAYK her…fuck Suki the scenester trying to make it as a model, and really this one may be doing that also, but I always like the underdogs, younger sister following in the footsteps, with bigger tits better….they are more fun, better fucks, etc… Her bathing suit is fucking see through and it is more evidence that she’s the better sister..in the battle of sisters… TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS CLICK HERE The post Suki Waterhouse and Immy Waterhouse Still in Bikini of the DAy appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Suki Waterhouse and Immy Waterhouse Still in Bikini of the DAy

Rihanna Braless for Ocean’s 11 Movie of the Day

Apparently Rihanna is the Token Black Character in the new all female cast Oceans 11, I’m sure there are other black characters, because these Jewish producers need to speak to America’s demands, and they can’t be criticized for their placement of black people playing out a stereotype…and it looks like they really hit the mark on this one… I think it’s almost racist in and of itself to do this affirmative action shit, you know you need to properly represent society as a whole in your movies, instead of just using all white people like they did in the past, or even the people you think are best for the job because the strategic placement of black people or asian people or Hispanic people is just that..contrived, calculated and they are only doing it because they feel they have to – and not because they actually want to… It’s like Put two black at that table, one asian there and 15 mexicans there…good… That’s not to say Rihanna’s crossover into movies like the puppet she is, you know money making puppet for white people that she is, isn’t a great and exciting thing as she walks around with fake dreads and a rasta hat….like if they put a Mexican character in a Sombrero…because she’s black…like some kind of circus freak performing…almost a parody of herself and her culture…but she doesn’t give a fuck because it pays the fucking bills… There is no way she’s not thinking, or milking the “they need black people and I’m black enough let’s milk this like the goat in my Barbados backyard that it is.”…. TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS CLICK HERE The post Rihanna Braless for Ocean’s 11 Movie of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Rihanna Braless for Ocean’s 11 Movie of the Day

Katie Price Bikini Cameltoe of the Day

Katie Price is a known hooker, at least I assume she’s a hooker, maybe she’s not a hooker at all, maybe she’s a virgin who just made her career with her clown tits as a Glamour model…and for some reason an entrepreneur who branded the shit out of herself with her clown tits that at one point were much bigger and clown-like than they are in these pics of her in Barbados…but that she scaled down as she moved more and more into her old age….if you’re gonna go fake tit – you might as well go big fake tit….otherwise what’s the point of the surgeries…you know go big or go home… Not that you’re looking at her tits, while her pussy eats away at her bikini bottoms like you’d expect them to….after a bunch of kids…who will grow up with an interesting looking clown titty mom…one with a big head of obvious reasons (he has a retardation)….and all the cock that comes with being Katie Price / Jordan….not including her husband Peter Andre…who you’d never remember, but I do….because he was gay… I guess what I’m saying is that I have a long lasting relationship with Katie Price…and this pussy in bikini bottoms is lovely….possibly disgusting….but lovely just the same… The post Katie Price Bikini Cameltoe of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Katie Price Bikini Cameltoe of the Day

Chanel Iman in a Bikini in Barbados of the Day

Chanel Iman, who you may know from masturbating to a Victoria’s Secret catalog while trying to relive the 90s, a decade Chanel Iman was born in, is some 22 year old top model, who has been in a lot of magazines and fashions shows, exploited for her BLACK / ASIAN genetics since she was 12, and now posing on the beach in the tropics – because she’s international…she’s not from Georgia anymore….thanks to her “Two Birds / One Stone ethnicity” to appease the lawyers at Victoria’s Secret and their affirmative action program…she’s made it…and all it took was looking good and being black in a world where advertisers need more black people so that they aren’t called racists even if that alone is a racist act…. TO SEE THE reST OF THE PICS CLICK HERE The post Chanel Iman in a Bikini in Barbados of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Chanel Iman in a Bikini in Barbados of the Day

Mischa Barton Bikini Showering of the Day

es I prefer… Mischa Barton was a girl who didn’t shower for a long time – she was all greasy and fat and disgusting. She looked like she smelled, was half dead or dying, and throughout those years of her self destruction – I still would have had unprotected sex with her using my tongue…I didn’t care the outcome, she was Mischa Barton and thus lovely… Well, she got her life together, rehab maybe, dancing with the stars whipped her into shape, even if it was actually a sign that she was dead, suicide had happened, acting career over at 32…or however old she is…. And now…she gets to post bikini pics, proving she showers, that once cured of addiction, showers happen, but more importantly proving she’s not fat and sloppy, and proving tI was right all along in thinking I want to tongue her ass…because I want to tongue her ass…even if it tastes more like soap…that rotting flesh and fec The post Mischa Barton Bikini Showering of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Mischa Barton Bikini Showering of the Day

Chanel Iman Gets Down for Cropover Barbados of the Day

I guess Rihanna was out in Canada for Drake’s music festival, so she had to get a stand in to be her during Bajan Caribanna – that they call CROPOVER and hot girls get dressed half naked and dance around like vegas show girls – a reminder that not all cultural experiences are things you can’t jerk off to….but as someone who has been to Barbados knows – none of the local hookers look anything like this – they aren’t Victoria’s Secret models, but rather obese…unless you get them like Rihanna’s owner who recruiter her off the island at 14….before they make 10 babies by 18 and fall apart… The post Chanel Iman Gets Down for Cropover Barbados of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Chanel Iman Gets Down for Cropover Barbados of the Day

McKayla Maroney’s Olympic Gold Ass of the Day

Olympic gymnast living the Olympic gymnast dream…who is no longer a Gymnast but is still an Olympic winner who is actually living her gymnast stage mom dreams…stage mom that probably saw that glimmer of talent in and that she in turned into a reality thanks to hard work, hormone therapy and teaching your kid a lessing in whoring their happiness for bigger dreams.. You know there was some negotiation every time Mckayla Maroney tried to quit growing up, because kids don’t care about this shit, they just want a normal life…they don’t care about getting up at 5 am to do cartwheels, they just want to go to the mall…. And I guess some of those concessions were that once she got a gold, she could quit and become an instagram whore for her fans…which is what she’s been doing since she won… I know you don’t really care about her and her fit ass now that she’s not 14 anymore…but thanks to all she’s been through – she still looks 14…and in a tight dress…so go go go … The post McKayla Maroney’s Olympic Gold Ass of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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McKayla Maroney’s Olympic Gold Ass of the Day