Tag Archives: because-people

Emma Roberts Butt at an Event of the Day

I still have a warm place in my heart for Emma Roberts….one of the original rich kid, hollywood kids, who decided to act… She’s older but she’s still skinny.. She’s cute, she’s stylish and there’s something about her that I like…probably her daddy issues…but then again, whether her dad is famous or not famous, or in Eric Roberts’ case a bit of both, he was a star too famous to bother with kids, then he fell off into drugs and self destruction while this one sat on the sidelines left disappointed by him…and I can only hope that left a mark on her soul…being an outsider…I tell myself it did…it just makes her overall being that much better… She was at some event about books, in a see through outfit…and looked good….and that’s all I have to say about that.. TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS CLICK HERE She was in jeans…. TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS CLICK HERE The post Emma Roberts Butt at an Event of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepFather.com .

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Emma Roberts Butt at an Event of the Day

Amber Heard GQ Australia of the Day

Black Widow, billionaire fucker, sugar baby garbage manipulator who had the world engaged and interested in her story about how abusive their favorite actor is…because people by instinct want to see their favorite actors fall from the top because they are jealous…no one can accept that dude was manipulated into something, abused throughout that time, and made to go crazy all because he has a penis….making him the devil… Well, she’s trying to have a second wind at being the rich sugar baby woman who broke Depp and Elon Musk….with her well trained pussy…and she’s doing it in collaboration with GQ. Her face looks old, tired, a mess…but she exists…and I guess we should encourage her to continue destroying rich guys with her vagina…it’s a talent and they do deserve to be taken out…. She was also at the GQ Event…because I guess GQ is a big deal for her…. TO SEE THE PICS OF HER AT THE GQ EVENT CLICK HERE The post Amber Heard GQ Australia of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepFather.com .

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Amber Heard GQ Australia of the Day

Lea Michele Seductive Genderless Dude of the Day

Lea Michele Gellar may be a dude, but as we know with this gender neutral society, that means nothing, and that if she dresses like a woman, we must accept her as a woman, and objectify her as a woman, and jerk off to her as if she’s a woman, otherwise we are not being inclusive or decent human beings, we must let the dude pretend he’s a woman, and sexualize himself as a woman, with her leggings on…like a normal girl.. Remember when her boyfriend, the homosexual, was lead to killing himself because he had to pretend he was banging this dude, and she didn’t even care…she tried her best to act her way through it…but we could see through the lies…I liked that about her, you know pure emotionless psychopath… The post Lea Michele Seductive Genderless Dude of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepFather.com .

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Lea Michele Seductive Genderless Dude of the Day

Tallia Storm Nipples of the Day

Tallia Storm is a Scottish singing scam that was put together by her parents…or her mother who was an egotistical PR chick who knew how to do low level internet marketing – and probably saw all these vine stars make millions of dollars and all these youtubers get TV show deals and saw all these tweeters on tweeter twitter get book deals and figured “I can make my daughter my portfolio piece”…and put her togeter, get her the press, and some singing lessons and convince her to go to events for the paparazzi with her tits out…because people like young tits… Here are those young tits, I support their marketing. TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS CLICK HERE The post Tallia Storm Nipples of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepFather.com .

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Tallia Storm Nipples of the Day

Raver Bella Thorne and her Raver Sister Raving of the Day

Bella Thorne posted this fetish pic of her in fishnets and short shorts…in what looks like a bra top to a dude who knows nothing about fashion or getting dressed…but knows everything about being a pervert… She packaged this one, since she’s the spinster spin artist, divert attention from famewhoring “thirsty” pics, by telling a story about herself that people are clearly buying into because she gets more and more following…and that story…which you should be able to tell from looking at the pic is about her fear of elevators….face your fears…inspirational…or something…I know that’s what I see looking at this…fear of elevators…idiots… Well…she’s also into going to “raves” or cheesy LA parties on a Thursday that they call raves…because I guess raving to EDM is a thing now…and I’m not trying to be a cynical old man who used to go to raves…thinking the raves I went to were that great…I just liked getting fucked up all night…and didn’t care for the music…or the people…who at the time were weirdos dressed like clowns…pretty much terrifying me…but at least they weren’t the mainstream top 40 assholes they are today – because those people are the worst…and those people I guess are everyone… So she went raving…TOP 40…MAINSTRAM..Tranny Faced with her skinny sister and it’s not that bad..when they are filming each other’s assholes…which is what I am taking away from these videos… The post Raver Bella Thorne and her Raver Sister Raving of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepFather.com .

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Raver Bella Thorne and her Raver Sister Raving of the Day

Nicki Minaj Tits of the Day

Nicki Minaj grabbed her tits on TV….because she’s promoting a new song… She’s shameless…she’s garbage….she’s a scam…it’s an acting job… It’s all lies, it’s not hot, but people buy into it because people are idiots….and tits get hits… Too bad they didn’t explode and kill Fallon in the process… The post Nicki Minaj Tits of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepFather.com .

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Nicki Minaj Tits of the Day

Charlotte McKinney Sports Bra Tits of the Day

Charlotte McKinney once got a lot of hype, even called the next Kate Upton, because people only see tits, and America, along with being a powerhouse full of rich as fuck people, is a trashy wasteland that created things like Honey Boo Boo and the Jersey shore…so Florida big titty trash is what you people fucking love…it’s what I love..it’s the whole basis of Hooters…the American dream… Not that Charlotte McKinney is really trashy, her dad is some rich Bahama so no Taxes based dude, that allowed her to be at the right parties, to get her tits out there and some dude put her on TV despite not even being that famous on social media, or even working as a model… But she’s got the tits…and I like tits, you like tits, everyone likes tits, and more importantly, I respect girls who respect that they only matter because of their tits…unlike EMRATA who pretends her tits are a liability… TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS CLICK HERE The post Charlotte McKinney Sports Bra Tits of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepFather.com .

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Charlotte McKinney Sports Bra Tits of the Day

Rat Cow Showcasing Her Big Tits on Instagram of the Day

Rat Cow is bullshit, nothing she says can be taken seriously, everything she says is polarizing her slutty behavior and her big tits, and that’s just the end of the story… There’s no depth to her, she’s a body that got naked in a music video, the world may want to think there is more to her, more talent, more intelligence, and more than just tits…and she probably wants to believe she’s more than just tits and she probably tries to polarize the fuck out of everything she’s done because she has an audience and some celebrity, that she has monetized and can continue to monetize, because people believe what they are told…and what they want to believe… SO last week a magazine actually did a feature on her where she said her tits are a liability, what kind of attention seeking bullshit is that..seriously….her tits are the only reason she’s in a magazine or followed…but maybe if she says it’s a handicap…the world will follow..especially when the content she produces of herself…is about the tits…but if she says she can’t help them from being there….and she celebrates them…it becomes empowerment…and not some slut sexualizing herself for attention. The post Rat Cow Showcasing Her Big Tits on Instagram of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepFather.com .

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Rat Cow Showcasing Her Big Tits on Instagram of the Day

Lottie Moss is not Kate Moss But She Tries by Showing her Pussy of the Day

I think I jumped the gun on this Lottie Moss character, who isn’t not Kate Moss, but half sister of Kate Moss…because I thought her short and sloppy self was going to become a thing in fashion industry because people are LAZY, but then I realized she was more of a bottom feeder who wears see through bathing suits and puts her pussy out on blast for the paparazzi to see, like a good girl….with her bottom feeding reality show friends…and I felt better about things… It’s like mooch the fuck out of your name, go for it, I like that….but not when it works out in a high profile way, I mean I want nothing to do with this look when it’s getting modeling jobs, if anything I get mad and hate her for reminding me of the scam that is media…but throw her amongst reality show trash and all of a sudden…I find her hot… Lottie Moss…keep her insignificant and milking her name…it’s good….until she gets the cover of VOGUE like a Kardashian or some shit… The post Lottie Moss is not Kate Moss But She Tries by Showing her Pussy of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Lottie Moss is not Kate Moss But She Tries by Showing her Pussy of the Day

Lottie Moss Bikini of the Day

Lottie Moss is no Kate Moss… I think these pictures prove it… She can milk the last name….she can even get model jobs – because people who book this shit aren’t very creative, like the Moss association and don’t really care what she looks like…which in the even you don’t have eyes, is a typical college girl on spring break…which is probably what she is doing here, I mean if she bothered going to school, but why do that, you’re a Moss, ride the name…education is old school, dated, and something for the pre-instagram world… Point being, anyone can model, just get in front of a camera, short chicks, fat chicks, all chicks….doesn’t mean they are Kate Moss…no matter how big of an angle that is… The post Lottie Moss Bikini of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Lottie Moss Bikini of the Day