Becca Hiller is some LA based Norwegian model who probably has her work visa because the US Immigration may not like Mexicans, but they hand out these O-1 visas for people with “exceptional” ability like it was fucking candy….and heer exceptional ability isn’t being a nobel prize winning scientist finding any cures to anything – it’s tits. That’s why I laugh at all the TRUMP vetting immigration when all the immigrant bitches I know look like this….smutty porno producing sex workers…something rich white men like…. The post Becca Hiller TITTY of the Day appeared first on .
Becca Hiller is the model..Becca Hiller is some LA based Norwegian model who probably has her work visa because the US Immigration may not like Mexicans, but they hand out these O-1 visas for people with “exceptional” ability like it was fucking candy – to models….all they need is to be published once and to have a model agency, which is often times an escort agency…and that alone gets them into the country for 2-5 years, making them eligible for a Green Card…all for being hot…Becca Hiller is working it for Agent Provocateur Holiday… . Which makes sense because Agent Provocateur is the high end lingerie company that sugar babies fucking love – they think it looks good in their slutty instagram pictures – because lingerie is a thing to put out there on social media – so everyone knows how erotic, sensual, lovely, great, half naked and frisky you can be….but it’s not gratuitous – a cry for attention – a “please get me followers”….it’s for a “casual shoot for a fake magazine with some instagram photog”…that her parents are probably proud of… Well this sugar baby is actually working for the brand…owned by the son of Sex Pistol’s manager…who was rich to begin with but deserves to be rich for doing high end lingerie girls like showing off like it is status – cuz I like looking at girls in lingerie… The post Agent Provocateur Christmas of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .