Tag Archives: becky

Joke Of The Day: Why Did Andy Punch Becky In The Face? [EXCLUSIVE AUDIO]

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Why did Andy sock Becky in the face? Listen to the audio player to find out  in Rock-T‘s  Joke Of The Day! Click here for more jokes and listen weekdays…

Joke Of The Day: Why Did Andy Punch Becky In The Face? [EXCLUSIVE AUDIO]

Race Matters: Is Sports Illustrated’s Swimsuit Issue Guilty Of Using People Of Color As Props???

Do we need to be more up in arms over Sports Illustrated’s Swimsuit Issue ? Via Salon.com : Sports Illustrated’s latest swimsuit issue used their ”seven continents” theme as an occasion to run photos of (mostly) white models posing with people of color as a background that signifies the “exotic” nature of the shoot locations. In one shot from Guilin, Guangxi (an autonomous region of China), a white model reclines on a raft while a local man uses a pole to mimic chauffeuring her around. In another, this time in the southern African Republic of Namibia, a white model poses with a black man holding a spear, wearing indigenous clothing that reveals as much of his body as hers. Sports Illustrated is hardly the first magazine or catalog to use people of color as set design, only the most recent. Other examples include famed mammy doll candlestick-makers Anthropologie, along with J.Crew, Free People, Vogue and Nylon, to name just a few. Now, the problem isn’t with featuring different cultures in commercial or editorial contexts; it’s much more about editorial intent. When a photo makes clear that the story it is telling is not about the person being shot with the model, that instead they are being used purely as cultural context or “exotic” buzz — that’s the problem. The man in Namibia, whether or not he authentically dresses like that or if he was hired to do so, is not the story in that photo. He is there for a boring, hackneyed attempt at visual juxtaposition. His brownness is contrast for her whiteness. His spear, his desert, his all-encompassing “African-ness” is the point. He’s furniture. He’s the Taj Mahal. The Eiffel Tower. He’s there to locate the viewer in the world, not tell them anything. And none of this is to mention that the picture offers a purely one-dimensional representation of an entire country. Did you know that Namibia is not just one big desert? Did you know this completely generic shopping complex is not actually in Fairfield, Connecticut, but Windhoek? Now look, I am not here to regurgitate a critical race studies paper from my college years, but it’s important to talk about completely bogus representations of race and culture when they come up. But the response to the issue has largely ignored these bizarre and racially clueless images, instead focusing on Kate Upton and her nearly nekkid Arctic adventure. A spread which, by the way, used penguins the same way the Namibia and Guangxi shoots used people. Are we sensing what’s wrong here yet? That is pretty effed up, but we’re probably more upset that they only have two brown models in the whole magazine! Photo Credit: Sports Illustrated

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Race Matters: Is Sports Illustrated’s Swimsuit Issue Guilty Of Using People Of Color As Props???

Celebrity Seeds: Jamie Foxx And Daughter Annalise Kick It In Cali

Jamie Foxx was spotted spending time with his youngest daughter Annalyse in L.A. Friday. The four-year-old managed to avoid having her face snapped by photogs, but we’re lovin’ her lil double bunned do’. No word on who the Becky is carrying the baby. Jamie previously told Oprah he doesn’t make mention who his kids’ moms are in attempt to keep his private life under wraps. Judging by the tight look on his face, this just might be the one. SMH. FameFlynetPictures

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Celebrity Seeds: Jamie Foxx And Daughter Annalise Kick It In Cali

You said to tag you in a random Justin Bieber picture so Becky Ramsey HERE IT IS Aaaaauuuuhhh Yeeeeaaaahhhhh

You said to tag you in a random Justin Bieber picture so Becky Ramsey HERE IT IS Aaaaauuuuhhh Yeeeeaaaahhhhh – 252735_209285019197658_1525253883_n.jpg Continue reading here: You said to tag you in a random Justin Bieber picture so Becky Ramsey HERE IT IS Aaaaauuuuhhh Yeeeeaaaahhhhh

You said to tag you in a random Justin Bieber picture so Becky Ramsey HERE IT IS Aaaaauuuuhhh Yeeeeaaaahhhhh

BET BET Exclusive: A$AP Rocky Talks Bossip Being The First Blog To Put His Video Up And His Misinterpretation [Video]

For the record… ASAP thinks BOSSIP dissed his videos, when in all actuality… we seen this kid’s talent coming from a mile away and felt his swag was beyond what the current geeks of the industry possess… and that’s why we featured him. Nobody told us to put up ASAP Rocky’s first video, Purple Swag, we did it because we thought the whole concept and persona was dope…. and that’s why we fcks with ASAP despite his misconception of us pointing out the Becky with gold ones.

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BET BET Exclusive: A$AP Rocky Talks Bossip Being The First Blog To Put His Video Up And His Misinterpretation [Video]

Pretty Clean?: ASAP Rocky “Purple Swag” With Becky Singing Controversial Words [Video]

ASAP Rocky “Purple Swag” With Becky Singing N**ga [Video]

The rest is here:
Pretty Clean?: ASAP Rocky “Purple Swag” With Becky Singing Controversial Words [Video]

Video appears of captured US soldier

The US military condemns the release of a video showing a captured soldier missing in Afghanistan since June. alt : rtsp://rtsp2.youtube.com/CiILENy73wIaGQnrxBuOyBjZKxMYDSANFEgGUgZ2aWRlb3MM/0/0/0/video.3gp

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Video appears of captured US soldier

Tom Sawyer Movie | Tom Sawyer | Hannibal Mo

goxy.us tom sawyer movie,tom sawyer, hannibal mo, johnny whitaker, akon beautiful video, cronkite funeral Others have been suckered into digital sharecropping efforts believing that they are doing something worthwhile, painting a fence for some Tom Sa http://www.youtube.com/v/PZVdzT7LJ4U&f=videos&app=youtube_gdata The rest is here: Tom Sawyer Movie | Tom Sawyer | Hannibal Mo

Originally posted here:
Tom Sawyer Movie | Tom Sawyer | Hannibal Mo