Tag Archives: being-annoying

Taylor Momsen is Only Hot Cuz She’s Underage of the Day

It’s a good thing Momsen dresses in lingerie and talks about vibrators while being underage, because I just took a look at her face, instead of staring at her crotch looking for vagina lip and realized bitch looks just like Lady Gaga. Maybe they are related. They both got a weak chin, shitty nose, weird mouth and behind the big glasses, shitty hair dye, fake rocker act, she’s nothing but ugly….The only thing bitch has going for her is that she’s skinny…but that never lasts…so take the young body in while you can…ignore the face cuz when they are 17…they don’t come in ugly, they come in “Shit I’d love to fuck that if it wasn’t illegal”…..cuz we always like what we can’t have…but trust me, once she turns 18, she’ll be joining JoJo in pussy we stopped lusting for on their 18th birthday… So here she in on set, being annoying with her Pa-Pa-Pa-pokerface. I know…I just quoted Gaga and now i want to Gag AHHHHHHHH.

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Taylor Momsen is Only Hot Cuz She’s Underage of the Day

Douche of the Decade, Round Two: Real Douches Only

Yesterday we offered you 15 exquisite choices in our quest to find who, pray tell, is the douchiest douchebag of the past decade.

Douche of the Decade, Round Two: Real Douches Only

Rachael Finch is Miss Universe Australia of the Day

Here’s some Miss Universe Australia walking around and I thought these pictures were a lot more exciting than they actually are, you know some camel toe, maybe a little lip slip or something to stand out amongst the other Miss Universe contestants and their anal sex willingness on tape they just dropped a couple days ago, but they aren’t so I’m just gonna move the fuck along cuz I have better things to do than waste my time on this insignificant girl who just wants a fuckin’ scholarship or whatever the fuck winning Miss Universe gets her, instead I am going to waste my time watching Oprah.

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Rachael Finch is Miss Universe Australia of the Day

Leona Lewis and Her Fat Tits of the Day

Simon Cowell Probably came on these fat tits, because having the ability or talent to sing is just part of the equation while fucking the right executive is the other part of the equation that actually takes you from singing in the shower or in a choir or on the street corner you to mansions, luxury cars, music videos and repressed memories of Simon Cowell and his jungle fever dripping off your chin. Pics via PacificCoastNews

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Leona Lewis and Her Fat Tits of the Day

Stephanie Pratt Should Murder Suicide her Family of the Day

This bitch could be a martyr (whatever the fuck that means). She could make a serious difference on the world.

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Stephanie Pratt Should Murder Suicide her Family of the Day