Tag Archives: being-laughed

Jojo Takes this Fitness Thing Seriously of the Day

Jojo has taken being laughed at seriously…she’s taken her fat ass her black boyfriends probably loved because it was rich and white and willing to fuck them…but there is no room for that in trying to turn around her non-existent career by trying as hard as she fucking can to get as hot as she fucking can…through fitness and I endorse that behavior…cuz a fat bitch is one I would take blow jobs from thanks to her proven ability to use her mouth, or in my case marry and hate, but it’s not one that I’d respect because she doesn’t respect herself. Now I don’t care about Jojo, but I do care how bendy she is…

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Jojo Takes this Fitness Thing Seriously of the Day

Kelly Bensimon Disgusting Ripped Body of the Day

There is a time in every workout addict’s life when she’s gotta look in the mirror and realize that she’s gone too fucking far passed that lookin’ healthy and fit point and reached that “I wonder if she’s got a cock” point. Seriously, she’s boxy and ripped and anyone who fucks her would have to be a queer trying to climb the social ladder without actually having access to someone who can really get him where he wants to be, but figures since she’s on TV and has money she’s a good start, and the fact that she barely looks like a woman, makes it less hetero and it turns out my assumptions are right because in March of this year her boyfriend Nicholas Stefanov charged her for assault cuz she punched him in the face, something no straight guy would ever admit to the police for fear of being laughed out of the room

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Kelly Bensimon Disgusting Ripped Body of the Day