Tag Archives: being-sarcastic

Cara Delevingne’s Sideboob For Puma

OK, so I know this probably isn’t what you were expecting when you heard I had new pictures of  Cara Delevingne playing with her kitty. But come on, this is a family site, and Cara’s modeling for Puma, not your perverted fantasies. That said, we still got a little sideboob out of it so at least this photoshoot wasn’t a total wash. Enjoy. Continue reading

Alexis Ren Works Hard At Shaking Her Booty

I know there’s a lot of hot nobodies out there, but I’ve always been impressed by how hard  Alexis Ren here works. And if you think I’m being sarcastic, I’m not. Posting booty videos and pictures on social media practically 24/7 takes dedication, perseverance, and a killer body — the three main qualities I admire most in a woman. Well, that and not laughing in my face when I tell them I still live with my mom. Still, three out of four ain’t bad! Continue reading

Gigi Hadid Is Hard At Work Walking The Streets In Slutty Attire

I know some of you probably think I’m making fun of Gigi Hadid or being sarcastic when I call her the hardest-working model in the business, but I’m dead serious. The girl doesn’t take a day off! Here she is walking around New York again showing off her sexy stomach for the paps while talking on the phone, presumably to her agent booking her next gig: getting coffee in leggings. Or maybe even walking around in a pair of tight jeans. Fingers crossed! Photos: PacificCoastNews

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Gigi Hadid Is Hard At Work Walking The Streets In Slutty Attire

Catelynn Lowell to Farrah Abraham: You’re Gross, I Bet Your Parents Are Proud!

And the Teen Mom wars continue! The feud between Catelynn Lowell and Farrah Abraham kicked off last year when Catelynn critiqued Farrah’s porn performance, hilariously claiming that Abraham sounded like a “dying horse” on camera.  Since then, shots have been fired every few months, and things heated up recently when Farrah threw shade at Catelynn and her husband for having another kid, leading Catelynn to attack Farrah for being a porn star (again). Generally, Farrah is the one who can’t seem to shut up about Catelynn, but the roles were reversed on Twitter this week when Lowell offered her opinion on Farrah’s new gig as a sex toy pitchwoman Surprise! She doesn’t think it’s cool: Catelynn retweeted a photo that Farrah had posted featuring a shelf of toys molded to resemble Farrah’s vadge and b-hole. “This is gross,” Catelynn tweeted along with the pic. “Bet her parents r proud.” Not sure, but we think she’s being sarcastic on that last part. While it’s always a pleasure to see someone call out Farrah for being the opportunistic prostitute that she is (No, really, Farrah Abraham might be a prostitute ), the best part of all this is that Farrah is almost certain to fire back. What sort of nonsensical insanity will come out of her mouth this time?! 25 Most Cringe-Worthy Farrah Abraham Pics 1. Farrah Abraham Vagina Costume Farrah Abraham dresses up like a vagina. You cannot make this stuff up.

Read more here:
Catelynn Lowell to Farrah Abraham: You’re Gross, I Bet Your Parents Are Proud!

Poor Thang: Man Sends Facebook Girlfriend $200K, Then Finds Out She’s Imaginary

Clearly, we’re being sarcastic with the “poor thang.” Because this dude right here is a sucka to the Nth degree. An Illinois man who feared his online girlfriend of two-and-a-half years had been kidnapped shortly after he wired her $200,000, was told by police she never existed. The pair ‘dated’ over the net, with the man from the upmarket city of Naperville, oblivious to her true identity. Having sent her the money, he became concerned that he had not heard from his belle and contacted police. But once he explained he had just sent his ‘partner’ $200,000, police tried to let him down gently by explaining that she did not exist. Alarm bells should have been ringing when he was asked to send the cash to accounts in Nigeria, Malaysia, England and the U.S. but the man duly obliged when asked. According to police, he had met the scammer on the internet and the pair struck up a relationship. When he asked for ID to prove she was real he was brought in by a Florida driving license she produced. But police said it was just a sample license and, therefore, not real. Two years?? You NEVER met the broad in person, and you send her $200,000??? You’re a friggin idiot. Source

See the original post:
Poor Thang: Man Sends Facebook Girlfriend $200K, Then Finds Out She’s Imaginary