Tag Archives: sexy-stomach

Dove Cameron Because Is A Cutie Who Needs Work

I’m all for Dove Cameron here pretending to act more like Bella Thorne , but unfortunately, she’s still got some work to do in the hot nobody department. Showing off her sexy stomach at some kind of festival? Good. But posting a selfie where she forgot to “forget” to wear a bra underneath her see-through shirt? What is this, amateur hour? That’s just Hot Wannabe 101. when u home alone & u postmates from 3 different places & they all arrive at once A post shared by ♡DOVE♡ (@dovecameron) on Dec 17, 2017 at 11:19pm PST

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Dove Cameron Because Is A Cutie Who Needs Work

Bella Thorne Fever Continues

OK, so I know this is pretty tame by Bella Thorne standards. Considering she’s usually topless , or showing off her ass , or licking something (or someone)  basically 24/7, seeing Bella drink a Coke in her kitchen while showing off her sexy stomach and nipple piercing is downright tame by comparison. She’s practically Mormon. But don’t worry, I’m sure she’ll be back in a thong by lunch. Fingers crossed.

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Bella Thorne Fever Continues

Bella Thorne Fever Continues

OK, so I know this is pretty tame by Bella Thorne standards. Considering she’s usually topless , or showing off her ass , or licking something (or someone)  basically 24/7, seeing Bella drink a Coke in her kitchen while showing off her sexy stomach and nipple piercing is downright tame by comparison. She’s practically Mormon. But don’t worry, I’m sure she’ll be back in a thong by lunch. Fingers crossed.

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Bella Thorne Fever Continues

Bella Thorne Just Because

Because Bella Thorne can take and post a selfie of her wearing pretty much anything and it qualifies as important breaking news, here’s the latest from the hardest-working hottie on Snapchat. Looks like she went with short shorts and showing off her sexy stomach today. Good choice. I can’t wait to see what she does for an encore tomorrow. Enjoy.

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Bella Thorne Just Because

Meet Busty British Mess Jemma Lucy

I’ve covered a lot of busty British nobodies on this site over the years, but there’s always room for one more. Especially when they’re as talented as  Jemma Lucy here. Now, I don’t know much about Jemma, besides the fact that she’s a model, reality star, and famous — or at least, busty — enough to get invited to the Spectre premiere. But I’d love a chance to get to know Jemma better. Maybe we could start by getting together and counting her tattoos. Call me! » view all 13 photos Photos: WENN.com

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Meet Busty British Mess Jemma Lucy

Gigi Hadid Is Hard At Work Walking The Streets In Slutty Attire

I know some of you probably think I’m making fun of Gigi Hadid or being sarcastic when I call her the hardest-working model in the business, but I’m dead serious. The girl doesn’t take a day off! Here she is walking around New York again showing off her sexy stomach for the paps while talking on the phone, presumably to her agent booking her next gig: getting coffee in leggings. Or maybe even walking around in a pair of tight jeans. Fingers crossed! Photos: PacificCoastNews

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Gigi Hadid Is Hard At Work Walking The Streets In Slutty Attire

Miley Cyrus Works It At Trader Joe’s

According to my sources, we’re getting this peek at Miley Cyrus ‘ sexy stomach thanks to her making a trip to Trader Joe’s. And I know some people dig the whole “stars, they’re just like us!” thing, but not me. Forget pushing a shopping cart and running errands, I prefer to see hotties like Miley partying in nothing but pasties . Unless she wanted to combine the two, in which case I’d be OK with that. And I guarantee nobody at Trader Joe’s would mind either. Photos: PacificCoastNews

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Miley Cyrus Works It At Trader Joe’s

Ariana Grande Is Super Cute

I don’t know about you perverts, but I’ve really been digging Ariana Grande lately. Granted, she isn’t Tweeting bikini selfies or showing up in leggings 24/7 like some of the other young hotties out there, but a t-shirt and a tight pair of jeans can be just as good. Especially when we’re getting a peek at Ariana’s sexy stomach like we are in these. Although just to be clear, if she wants to send a few bikini shots my way, I wouldn’t stop her. » view all 21 photos Photos: WENN.com , Fameflynet

Originally posted here:
Ariana Grande Is Super Cute

Miley Cyrus Gets Her Motor Running

According to my sources, the hottie in the motorcycle helmet here is Miley Cyrus . And I know it might be tough for some of you to tell it’s her under there — especially if your eyes haven’t made it that far north yet — but don’t feel too bad, not everybody has the trained eye of a blogger. In fact, I’d be able to recognize that sexy stomach of Miley’s anywhere. See? Who says us bloggers don’t have any real-world job skills? Photos: Fameflynet Continue reading

Jessica Alba Does Comic Con

Well, I knew the recent string of Jessica Alba bikini pictures was going to have to end some time, but hey, at least on the bright side, she showed up to Comic Con over the weekend showing off that sexy stomach of hers. I’m sure some of you nerds out there are a little disappointed Jessica didn’t dress up like Wonder Woman or Princess Leia though, and for once I feel your pain. I wish she had dressed up like my favorite famous character too: Jessica Alba attempting the bikini ass pose . Oh well. There’s always next year. » view all 12 photos Photos: PacificCoastNews , WENN.com

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Jessica Alba Does Comic Con