Tag Archives: bieber-facts

Justin Bieber Gets Destroyed By NHL Player; Internet Rejoices

Believe it or not, Justin Bieber is actually a pretty skilled hockey player . The Biebs says he laces up the skates every chance he gets, and he’s displayed his talents in the past by posting videos of impressive plays to social media accounts. But there’s a difference between schooling your friends in a pick-up game and actually taking the ice against guys who play for a living – a lesson Justin learned the hard way during this week’s NHL All-Star Celebrity Shootout: That’s 6’6″ 220-pound former NHL defenseman Chris Pronger clearly enjoying the hell out of laying out a brutal body check on Bieber. As you can see, Justin didn’t find the experience quite as enjoyable. “I was giving him a little back massage in the corner,” Pronger said of the hit, which has been celebrated far and wide on social media. Pronger actually went pretty light on Bieber, but the singer clearly didn’t appreciate the punishment. Not surprisingly, the epic photo has made Pronger something of an Internet folk hero. Justin Bieber: Checked By Chris Pronger Pronger successfully pinned one of the celebrity world’s most notorious douche nozzles to the boards, even the head of the NHL’s Department of Player Safety got in on the act with a joke tweet that many believed to be legit: “The Department of Player Safety will have a hearing tomorrow morning with Chris Pronger for his Check from Behind on @justinbieber,” Damian Echevarrietta tweeted. Fortunately, he was kidding, and there’s no chance of Pronger being disciplined for his heroic deed. To make the story even better, there’s an inspirational element to Bieber having his face smushed into the glass for our entertainment. Pronger hasn’t played since 2011 due to severe post-concussion syndrome. Though he’s not officially retired, he’s not expected to return to hockey. The 42-year-old former MVP has said in in interviews that there was a time when he was unable to skate, and that he believed he would never be able to play hockey with his kids. So for many fans, just seeing the man back on the ice was a treat. The fact that he flattened Bieber was just the icing on the cake. The sweet, sweet icing on the cake… View Slideshow: 17 Shocking Justin Bieber Facts

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Justin Bieber Gets Destroyed By NHL Player; Internet Rejoices

Justin Bieber: That’s It! No More Apologies!

Justin Bieber is sorry, but he’s done saying he’s sorry. The artist, who released his latest single and its affiliated dance video late last week, spoke with Kent “Smallzy” Small on Nova FM’s “Smallzy’s Surgery” radio show just after his record-breaking victories at the MTV EMAs on Sunday. Bieber took home six awards at the ceremony, setting an all-time mark for most-ever EMAs won by a single artist. But that wasn’t what he really wanted to discuss with the host. The crux of the interview instead was on the single “Sorry” and why Justin chose to give this track such a title. “It’s kind of the stamp in the end of the apologies that I’m giving to people, to the media,” he explained. “There needs to come a time where they’re just like, ‘We get it.’ And I think putting out a song saying I’m sorry kinda puts the finishing icing on the cake. “I’m ready to just move on.” Bieber, of course, spent most of 2014 acting like a pompous jackass, peeing in mop buckets, partying loudly and hurling eggs at his neighbor, among other irresponsible act. He’s then spent most of 2015 acknowledging his mistakes and saying he’s a changed man. Back in January, Bieber actually broke down , vowing in a viral video to be a better person. His new album, “Purpose,” comes out on November 13.  And we may be able to tell by its sales whether or not fans around the country have forgiven Justin or not. View Slideshow: 17 Shocking Justin Bieber Facts

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Justin Bieber: That’s It! No More Apologies!

Justin Bieber Album: Banned in the Middle East!

Justin Bieber’s affection for Jesus Christ has made him public enemy number-one in the Middle East. Okay, maybe not number-one. They have many enemies in that region of the world. But Bieber won’t exactly be breaking any sales records over there this fall. In fact, the singer won’t be selling any records at all. According to TMZ insiders, Bieber’s upcoming album (“Purpose”) has been banned in several Middle Eastern countries, such as Indonesia, due to its provocative nature. This assessment stems from Bieber’s shirtless cover pose , as well as the cross tattoo on his chest. It is front and center on the album cover, a major no-no in Muslim nations. Because this ban would cost Bieber quite a lot of money, he and his team are scrambling to release an alternative album cover, sources confirm. We assume it would NOT feature Justin Bieber shirtless in any way, shape or form, causing us to feel very sorry for residents of these conservative countries. Bieber is one of the more religious celebrities out there , often citing his strong belief in Jesus and drawing on his Christianity for inspiration. God, can you imagine not being able to ogle Justin Bieber without a shirt on?!? View Slideshow: 17 Shocking Justin Bieber Facts

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Justin Bieber Album: Banned in the Middle East!