Tag Archives: bikini-miami

Chantel Jeffries Wet in a Bikini of the Day

A friend of mine posted a MEME, I hate MEMES but this one was so relatable I had to notice it, which is really what the marketing people behind all these meme accounts and successful clickbait sites bank on…it’s not taking a stance, or having an opinion, or provoking thought by either offending people, or saying crazy shit…it’s all based on fluffy relatability. Like everyone can get that joke, everyone can get that situation, let’s keep this up, rack in the views, get rich as fuck, while sites like DrunkenStepfather, even while showing tits stay irrelevant cuz the guy who writes that site is mean… Point being the meme was Mona Lisa then…and Mona Lisa now, all done up with the fake lip injections EVERYONE is getting, I mean I hear girls at the coffee shop in their 20s talking about filler…I am sure 16 year olds are getting it done…big lips doughy faces every fucking wear..you fucking MUPPETS… It’s a relatively inexpensive way to turn a pig into something almost worth fucking by adding emphasis to things people are genetically predisposed to like….you know cuz we are animals and it keeps the species alive – unfortunately – we’re at a point where Humanity should be killed off for the benefit of the planet… So this Chantel Jeffries has evolved from fucking ugly, to something black dudes fuck…and she gets paid to be Chantal Jeffries while having grown up being ugly….making for a real barely interesting dynamic…that I am sure leads to her having real cunt behavior… Cuz the natural beautiful don’t need to play it up so hard…cuz they know they are legit…and not some imposter like this monster… here is what she used to look like.. JOIN THE NEWSLETTER YOU ASSHOLES! The post Chantel Jeffries Wet in a Bikini of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepFather.com .

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Chantel Jeffries Wet in a Bikini of the Day

Pauline Santamaria Naked Shoot of the Day

Her name is Pauline Santa Maria, which is pretty fucking Catholic or even offensive to Catholics who see it knowing she’s a getting naked for men to jerk off to, while pretending it’s art, when really it’s to get famous before actually diving into porn…. She’s from France, she has 13,000 followers, and her short bio is – 100% natural and perfectly imperfect She is also in love with “art”, which explains why she’s getting wild and naked and on all fours for some pervert photographer….she thinks the running her smut through a filter is actually art….it’s not her fault, it’s just that people don’t want to admit it’s sex work…even though she’s posing pussy out… Not showing her actual cunt….but for someone with a cross Tattoo and a religious sounding name….while acting like one of the little boys molested by his Priest in Pennsylvania, only to have it swept under the rug to protect the church, making him feel like some kind of slut in the wrong no one cared about after being selected by the priest for the special task of sexy time for Jesus…you know all sexualized at a young age, carrying that into his older age, ending up all fucked up like a woman…only the woman version. Not that this Pauline is being sexualized like a sex worker, she’s doing it intentionally I’m sure, it’s just tits and it makes her feel sexy, it helps her believer her perfectly imperfect lies…. She’s just showing tits like a french woman and as a feminist I find it empowering… All her shit is naked, and what we’ve learned about girls who get naked, is that it is an equilizer and allows them to compete with girls who are actually hot…not that she isn’t hot…but you know what I mean…Europeans getting naked…always a hit. The post Pauline Santamaria Naked Shoot of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepFather.com .

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Pauline Santamaria Naked Shoot of the Day

Charli XCX Erotica of the Day

The funniest thing about Charli XCX is that I’ve actually seen her perform…. I once drunkenly walked into some party someone invited me to and I saw this fat girl dancing around making the dumbest sounds with the shittiest of music…to which I thought to myself “What is this low level pop act and why is it in a night club”…before realizing that everything is pop now, nothing has soul, it’s all commercial shit to sell product to idiot drones drunk on Youtube Videos and instagram… But those girls participating in the clickbait, soulless clickbait, luckily are aware that the key to low substance content is showing tit… Charli XCX shows tit, hence why she exists, and is allowed to sing garbage music to garbage people and make a life out of it. The world…one vapid, pile of shit that doesn’t inspire….but at least there are tits to distract us all. Thanks Charli XCX for being a whore….who knows that if cocksucking happens….the other details don’t really matter cuz we’re drunk on endorphines from cumming. JOIN THE NEWSLETTER YOU ASSHOLES! The post Charli XCX Erotica of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepFather.com .

Go here to see the original:
Charli XCX Erotica of the Day