Tag Archives: ugly-duckling

Chantel Jeffries Wet in a Bikini of the Day

A friend of mine posted a MEME, I hate MEMES but this one was so relatable I had to notice it, which is really what the marketing people behind all these meme accounts and successful clickbait sites bank on…it’s not taking a stance, or having an opinion, or provoking thought by either offending people, or saying crazy shit…it’s all based on fluffy relatability. Like everyone can get that joke, everyone can get that situation, let’s keep this up, rack in the views, get rich as fuck, while sites like DrunkenStepfather, even while showing tits stay irrelevant cuz the guy who writes that site is mean… Point being the meme was Mona Lisa then…and Mona Lisa now, all done up with the fake lip injections EVERYONE is getting, I mean I hear girls at the coffee shop in their 20s talking about filler…I am sure 16 year olds are getting it done…big lips doughy faces every fucking wear..you fucking MUPPETS… It’s a relatively inexpensive way to turn a pig into something almost worth fucking by adding emphasis to things people are genetically predisposed to like….you know cuz we are animals and it keeps the species alive – unfortunately – we’re at a point where Humanity should be killed off for the benefit of the planet… So this Chantel Jeffries has evolved from fucking ugly, to something black dudes fuck…and she gets paid to be Chantal Jeffries while having grown up being ugly….making for a real barely interesting dynamic…that I am sure leads to her having real cunt behavior… Cuz the natural beautiful don’t need to play it up so hard…cuz they know they are legit…and not some imposter like this monster… here is what she used to look like.. JOIN THE NEWSLETTER YOU ASSHOLES! The post Chantel Jeffries Wet in a Bikini of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepFather.com .

Go here to read the rest:
Chantel Jeffries Wet in a Bikini of the Day

Sophie Mudd American Pride TIts of the Day

This is what a true American Hero looks like…. It is a reminder that in all this nonsense going on in AMerica…. A set of great tits can still find an audience and anything with an audience can find a sponsor….and live that rich and amazing life… That is the American Dream in the land of Opportunity you spoiled fucking Americans forget about when you are sitting there on your expensive computers basically analyzing how things should be in your idea of a utopian world where no racism exists despite you being racist and no Trans should be told to not embrace being Trans even thought Trans scares you at your core…you full of shit armchair activist with you lack of education, experience or knowledge of what REALITY looks like you fuck…. This right here…is the American dream…. JOIN THE NEWSLETTER YOU ASSHOLES! The post Sophie Mudd American Pride TIts of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepFather.com .

Originally posted here:
Sophie Mudd American Pride TIts of the Day

Noah Cyrus Assumes the Position of the Day

My initial reaction to Noah Cyrus in these exhibitionist, cry for attention cuz she’s the black sheep, ugly duckling, who probably doesn’t know she’s the black sheep or the ugly duckling, cuz her sister and parents probably overcompensated so hard with affirmations of how great she was, to give her the confidence she needed to not kill herself, despite knowing that she’s not the prized pig of their inbred hick farm….. Point being, she’s ugly and should have taken a job behind the scenes where she belongs, but instead thinks she deserves the Miley spillover, cuz they are related, and shit like this ends up happening to elevate that nonsense that should never happen, like just be a fucking rich kid, but they can’t – they all need a social presence and this is how it’s done and it is terrible. JOIN THE NEWSLETTER YOU ASSHOLES! The post Noah Cyrus Assumes the Position of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepFather.com .

Here is the original post:
Noah Cyrus Assumes the Position of the Day

Came Up: Celebrities Who Went From Being Overlooked To Fine As Hell All Of A Sudden

Celebrities Who Got Fine Out Of Nowhere You ever hear the term “ugly duckling” as in kids who weren’t cute then grow up to blossom into a beautiful swan. These celebrities weren’t considered “ugly ducklings,” but people certainly weren’t really checking for them as far as looks. Then, bam, they give us the goods out of nowhere. Take a look and remember to never underestimate greatness.

Continued here:
Came Up: Celebrities Who Went From Being Overlooked To Fine As Hell All Of A Sudden

Selena Gomez Album Promo Shoot of the Day

Selena Gomez is taking her lesbian lover Justin Bieber’s lead and hitting the music scene, with her own album and tour, because she doesn’t need to piggyback on his undeserving success, she’s got her own undeserving success to milk the fuck out of before it is too late…and as far as I’m concerned, she’s already fucking failed. I mean, she had an opportunity with this album to actually re-invent herself, you know even as a one hit wonder pop tart, she could have branded this shit anyway she wanted to, and instead of doing something hot, or outrageous, or that I could jerk off to like she was Rihanna, she’s in fucking low level catlog looking pics you’d find in a flyer for a local department store. Seriously garbage. That’s not to say I expected this girl to have a clue as to what was up, but her team should learn how to launch her, package her, and exploit her better. Seriously.

The rest is here:
Selena Gomez Album Promo Shoot of the Day

Ashley Tisdale Clowning in a Photoshoot of the Day

Ashley Tisdale makes me laugh. I’ve been writing about her FIT BODY / Bad Face for a while, and I just can’t seem to get enough of it. I think it is because I know that she knows she’s not hot, but that she tries to be as hot as she can in photoshoots, because she’s come this far, she can’t just brown paper bag herself all the time, like she does with the paparazzi, but she can duck face. I mean if she thought she was hot, she wouldn’t have got plastic surgery in the first place, she would have just owned her look. Instead, she does all she can to smoke and mirror it, from fitness to this nonsense, and for some reason, she’s growing on me, I kind of appreciate the ugly duckling fighting for her right to be seen, even if it stems from delusion and being a spoiled entitled cunt, but I am probably only into it thanks to the fit body part, cuz with a fit body, a bad face hardly even exists. Fact.

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Ashley Tisdale Clowning in a Photoshoot of the Day

Nicole Scherzinger Claims She Was An Ugly Duckling

Nicole Scherzinger has said she thought she was an ‘ugly duckling’ when she was younger. The Pussycat Doll hottie tells UK magazine Cosmo: “Growing up, I was incredibly shy

Originally posted here:
Nicole Scherzinger Claims She Was An Ugly Duckling