Tag Archives: bikini-wearing

Elizabeth Hurley Bikini Porn of the Day

Elizabeth Hurley is in a bikini…. She’s really fucking old…and is far too old to be wearing a bikini according to the general accepted law of bikini wearing….because there is a fucking cut off to these things. If you have kids or if you are 35 or older…wear the fucking snowsuit to the beac…I don’t care how comfortable you are, because these women get more confidence as they get older, when they should have more confidence when they are young…and this arrogance…like money gold digging sugar baby rich guy fucker Liz Hurley’s got…leads to bikinis…. I guess it’s not that bad, she’s got a bikini company to promote, I get it… The post Elizabeth Hurley Bikini Porn of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepFather.com .

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Elizabeth Hurley Bikini Porn of the Day

Bikini Clad Grandma Gets a DUI of the Day

This video is pretty much the highlight of my day…a 49 year old bikini wearing grandma crashed into a car at an intersection, with her 10 year old grandson in tow…don’t let her being a bikini wearing grandma at 39, bleached hair from Flordia getting busted for a DUI deceive you, she is in fact white trash….and amazing… Seriously, I generally don’t love grandmas, or anyone over 30….especially all leathery from florida..but this one is amazing…I am in love…I’ll have to find her prison details to pursue this love affair… The post Bikini Clad Grandma Gets a DUI of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Bikini Clad Grandma Gets a DUI of the Day

Selena Gomez is Growing Out Her Tits of the Day

There are some Rumors that Selena Gomez wants to get new tits to keep Justin Happy, because her current tits aren’t doing it for him, and I guess that’s why she’s wearing this push up bra and showing tit, because when you get a story in the media, you massage that shit to keep it going so that people like me act like we care whether she has implants or not, because really all we care about is her tits…and I don’t even really care about those that much… I guess the good news in all this is that little girls everywhere who follow Selena Gomez’s every move, or even Bieber’s every move, will now think their tits are inadequate, and for the rest of their lives, or until they save up 5,000 dollars, they will never be satisfied with themselves.. Good job Selena, teaching the kids what matter…and I guess my only question in all this is…why hasn’t she gone full topless yet…I think the public is ready and won’t even care….she better do it quick before she dies of her LUPUS… Live a little more on the edge…

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Selena Gomez is Growing Out Her Tits of the Day

Kate Moss and Naomi Campbell are Some Old Timers in Bikinis of the Day

I will always be a Kate Moss fan, even if she’s over 40 and Doughy because she didn’t stick to her “Nothing tastes as good as skinny feels”…life philosophy to heart…I guess when you cool down the cocaine and limit it to once a week under doctor’s orders, and you’re not getting paid to be naked everyday, you start dabbling in food…and I don’t think there’s anything wrong with that, other than how old it makes me feel, because I remember the era when she was an it girl, when she was everywhere, and when she was hot as fuck doing it…I even remember an era when she’d never be caught in a bikini top…if she was on vacation, she was topless, her nipples everywhere – I even did a retrospective on

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Kate Moss and Naomi Campbell are Some Old Timers in Bikinis of the Day

Lauren Mellor is the Sports Illustrated Rookie of the DAy

Sports Illustrated is milking their magazine dropping by unleashing their ROOKIES…thinking it will generate some buzz…like this Lauren Mellor….who is some 28 year old boring as shit…at least on her BORING AS SHIT INSTAGRAM …who isn’t all that hot, but is from South Africa, and white…meaning she’s probably Blood Diamond rich and capable of buying her way into anything… The pic is not as fun as this TOP 10 SI Swimsuit COVER post… The pic is not as fun as this THE LAST 500 YEARS in SPORTS ILLUSTRATED SWIMSUIT COVERS The pic is not as exciting as the video of her in swimwear from 2012…because I guess this isn’t her first bikini wearing rodeo…and ROOKIE means something else to the retard average man who still buys magazines magazine……

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Lauren Mellor is the Sports Illustrated Rookie of the DAy