Tag Archives: implants-or-not

Selena Gomez Implants Parade of the Day

I guess this is the inaugural voyage for Selena Gomez and her subtle implants that she was rumored to get, because every girl like having a bit more tit, unless said girl has too much tit, and so many more girls than you think have implants have implants, so who fucking cares… The shit is not for strippers anymore, it’s for everyone, especially vain hollywood types that are trying to give their otherwise shitty body more shape…. I am all for improving what you’ve got, even if I hate implants and think they are unnecessary, because improving what you’ve got shows a level of insecurity in who you are as a person, because when you really break it down, the size of your tits shouldn’t define the person you are inside girls…even if guys will be more willing to pay 10 dollars a song to touch them…. That said, implants or not, who cares, from everyone I’ve spoke to…Selena Gomez is a little slut, in a good way, she owns that shit. Disney Taught her Good… All this to say…TITS! New Tits, Old Tits, Tits on Tits on Tits…who cares they are just tits. TO SEE THE REST OF HER TITS CLICK HERE

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Selena Gomez Implants Parade of the Day

Selena Gomez is Growing Out Her Tits of the Day

There are some Rumors that Selena Gomez wants to get new tits to keep Justin Happy, because her current tits aren’t doing it for him, and I guess that’s why she’s wearing this push up bra and showing tit, because when you get a story in the media, you massage that shit to keep it going so that people like me act like we care whether she has implants or not, because really all we care about is her tits…and I don’t even really care about those that much… I guess the good news in all this is that little girls everywhere who follow Selena Gomez’s every move, or even Bieber’s every move, will now think their tits are inadequate, and for the rest of their lives, or until they save up 5,000 dollars, they will never be satisfied with themselves.. Good job Selena, teaching the kids what matter…and I guess my only question in all this is…why hasn’t she gone full topless yet…I think the public is ready and won’t even care….she better do it quick before she dies of her LUPUS… Live a little more on the edge…

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Selena Gomez is Growing Out Her Tits of the Day

Candice Swanepoel Seducing Me On Instagram of the Day

Ever get that feeling where you’d rather be in a sexual relationship with a picture than your actual wife, because your actual wife is fat, annoying, disgusting, smells and complains all the fucking time. You know nags like she was a hot chick, when she is a vile pig who should learn how to play it fucking cool because otherwise no one will want anything to do with her, because if we wanted to put up with bullshit, we’d do it from hot bitches who other guys can’t handle, but we don’t mind cuz they look good. Well that’s what’s happening to me right now, thanks to her instagram. This Candice Swanepoel character is good. TO SEE SOME PICS OF HER HARD NIPPLE WALKING ON THE STREET FOLLOW THIS LINK TO SEE HER PANTYLINE IN LEGGINGS AT THE AIRPORT CUZ SHE’S ON HER PERIOD FOLLOW THIS LINK

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Candice Swanepoel Seducing Me On Instagram of the Day

Jess Impiazzi Reveals her New Boobs of the Day

Today in Glamour Model News – Jess Impiazzi revealed her new boobs for ZOO Magazine, which is convenient, because I have never heard of her, and have never seen her old boobs, making them new to me, whether she got jacked up implants or not… Today in Glamour Model Old News – Jess Imiazi is probably a crazy insecure attention seeker who was destined to be a stripper, not just because she got herself implants to have even bigger tits, but because she puts her effort into modeling topless, because it’s better than working a real job and all the boys give her the attention she seeks. It’s all very funny, and I love it.

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Jess Impiazzi Reveals her New Boobs of the Day

J Woww’s Duct Tape Boobs for Gay Marriage of the Day

I didn’t know that this Prop 8, No H8, let the gays marry, even though every gay guy I know refuses to get married, cuz that marriage shit is for breeders and part of being gay is not being a fucking breeder….at least that is what I have been told…cuz I am only gay in prison and even that is not by choice…but by rape….prison rape….and it is horrible… I guess it would make sense that these pics were shot two years ago when prop 8 shit mattered….and more importantly when Jenni JWoww mattered….somcethe Jersey Shore shit is dead in the fucking water….even though the cast still lives on…unfortunately…. The only good thing about this is that I hear Duct Tape bras are the gateway to staring in anal porn…and fuck I’ll watch any girl, implants or not, get down in some anal porn…you know cuz it’d be her supporting gay sex…in her own retarded way…. What it comes downto is that it is no surprise her No H8 pic is the most trashy of them…..and I can’t help but appreciate it….

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J Woww’s Duct Tape Boobs for Gay Marriage of the Day