Tag Archives: billclinton

The Facebook Adventures of Accused Russian Spy Mikhail Semenko [Exclusive]

Accused spy Anna Chapman wasn’t the only suspected Russian agent on Facebook . A tipster with access to co-defendant Mikhail Semenko ‘s Facebook photos sent us some of his pictures. Want to see an alleged spy in a Bill Clinton costume? More

Are Martha Stewart and Bill Clinton Having Romantic Dinners Together? [Gossip]

Just friends or bust friends? America’s most respected scandal sheet reports that our nemesis Martha Stewart is trying to horn her way in on Hillary Clinton ‘s man— Bill Clinton , former prez! Martha, you cad, allegedly! More

Bill Clinton — A Hero’s Welcome

Filed under: Politix Having secured the release of journalists Laura Ling and Euna Lee from a North Korean jail, Bill Clinton continued to do what he does best yesterday in NYC: Proving how much he really is The Man.BTW — We’re pretty sure we heard an “MVP” chant in the … Permalink

Bill Clinton — A Hero’s Welcome