The next time you get a young child a birthday gift, remember don’t spend a lot of money because they don’t know any better. They’re happy with pretty much anything. Continue reading →
A month before making literal waves in a London swimming pool at the 2012 Olympics, Australian Stephanie Rice is making figurative ones for a photo she recently posted on Twitter. The three-time gold medalist snapped a shot of herself in a bikini this week, showing off both her body and a birthday gift from designer Ellie Gonsalves. Simple and harmless, right? Not to some of Rice’s followers. “i feel that stephanie rice posting a photo of herself in swimwear has brought disgrace to the australian swim team and she should be dropped,” wrote one Twitter user, presumably taking issue with Rice for… okay, we have no idea. Showing more skin here than she does while donning official Olympic attire? The nerve! Rice is no stranger to somewhat racy Twitter photos, as evidenced by this picture of herself as a police officer . She was also once rumored to be dating Michael Phelps , which would be less scandalous than perfectly understandable from both points of view. So, in conclusion: Team Stephanie Rice in a Bikini! – Become a Fan! – Follow Us! Roselyn Sanchez, looking beautiful as always, celebrated her birthday dinner party with some her friends at Red O restaurant in West Hollywood. Roselyn, lovely as always chatted with the paparazzi as she left. But, as Roselyn got into her car was confused cause her valet was already paid for! Turns out the paparazzi paid for her valet as a birthday gift to the always beautiful Roselyn!
Does this boy know that rap careers don’t last forever? TMZ reports Soulja Boy found nothing better to do with his “hard earned” money but to buy a private jet. Soulja Boy doesn’t know the meaning of the word recession — because TMZ has learned, the 21-year-old rapper is dropping $55 MILLION on a new private jet. A member of Soulja’s management team tells us … the kid bought himself a G5 jet as a birthday present to himself this week. The jet cost $35 mil … but that’s just the beginning. We’re told the birthday boy is dropping an additional $20 million to pimp out his ride with all sorts of cool stuff … like 12 custom Italian leather seats, flat screen TVs, 4 liquor bars, a special travertine tiled floor, and Brazilian hardwood cabinets. We’re told S.B. is also gutting the in-flight lavatory — and replacing it with a giant, LUXURIOUS bathroom. Oh, he’s also giving the jet a custom paint job … to include his logo. And if that’s not enough for someone’s 21st — we’re told Soulja’s also spending $300,000 to throw himself a blowout birthday party at a Miami nightclub tonight … and Dwight Howard, Bow Wow, and Sean Kingston are all expected to attend. We hope this means he and his entire entourage have health insurance and IRA counts… or some kind of investment he can actually sell back in a recession.