Tag Archives: chris-lambton

Star Jones: Pushing Basketball Wives Boycott Over Jennifer Williams-Al Reynolds Relationship?

A petition boycotting Basketball Wives and its many violent outbursts has garnered major support even as the show is reportedly being turned into a movie. The creator of the petition , which targets Evelyn Lozada and her bullying ways, writes, “The violence on ‘Basketball Wives’ is horrible and disgraceful.” “Physical assaults, threats, verbal abuse, and harassment. VH1 is rewarding this behavior by giving Evelyn a spinoff. Don’t reward negative behavior.” One rumor going around is that Star Jones is behind the boycott. Why? Star’s ex-husband, Al Reynolds, has been on the show lately, given his relationship with Jennifer Williams , something Jones probably doesn’t appreciate. Her vocal opinion about the show is not positive, but Star denies starting the Basketball Wives boycott campaign or even supporting it with her critiques. “I was never encouraging anybody to boycott somebody’s job,” she said. “That’s not what I’m about. It just struck me really, really to the core that young girls were watching his example of women on TV and getting their self image.” Of course, Jones admits that she began talking about the boycott and the VH1 show’s negativity on her social media accounts in hopes of fostering discussion. It’s unclear if this played a role in getting three Basketball Wives stars fired . [Photos: WENN.com]

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Star Jones: Pushing Basketball Wives Boycott Over Jennifer Williams-Al Reynolds Relationship?

Stephanie Rice, Olympic Swimmer, Upsets Fans with Bikini-Based Twit Pic

A month before making literal waves in a London swimming pool at the 2012 Olympics, Australian Stephanie Rice is making figurative ones for a photo she recently posted on Twitter. The three-time gold medalist snapped a shot of herself in a bikini this week, showing off both her body and a birthday gift from designer Ellie Gonsalves. Simple and harmless, right? Not to some of Rice’s followers. “i feel that stephanie rice posting a photo of herself in swimwear has brought disgrace to the australian swim team and she should be dropped,” wrote one Twitter user, presumably taking issue with Rice for… okay, we have no idea. Showing more skin here than she does while donning official Olympic attire? The nerve! Rice is no stranger to somewhat racy Twitter photos, as evidenced by this picture of herself as a police officer . She was also once rumored to be dating Michael Phelps , which would be less scandalous than perfectly understandable from both points of view. So, in conclusion: Team Stephanie Rice in a Bikini!

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Stephanie Rice, Olympic Swimmer, Upsets Fans with Bikini-Based Twit Pic

Ali Fedotowsky to Emily Maynard: Sean Lowe FTW!

Ali Fedotowsky, who starred on The Bachelorette two summers ago, recently offered her views on who Emily Maynard should pick and as her lifelong mate. “Okay, I keep going back and forth. Like, literally, I’ve changed my mind 500 times,” Ali said of Emily’s remaining aspiring husbands, of whom four remain. While Ali first thought it was either Jef Holm or Arie Luyendyk, Jr., she now says she’s ruled out Arie and doesn’t think Jef is ready to be Ricki’s stepfather. She likens Emily and Jef to herself and Chris Lambton, the runner-up to Roberto Martinez (who she broke up with after an 18 month-engagement) in 2010. “This is a confusing season! She keeps saying that her relationship with Jef is slow to develop – that’s what I always used to say about Chris,” says Ali . “I mean, Chris is a great guy, such an awesome guy. But that’s like code on The Bachelorette for ‘we’re really just not romantically into each other.’” Which brings her to the pick: “If I had to guess right now, I’m going back to Sean Lowe ,” the insurance salesman from Texas who moonlights as a male model, she finally answered. The Bachelorette spoilers offer some hints as to who makes it past the hometown dates, but as far as her final rose recipient, all bets are still off! Whom do you think Emily should end up with?

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Ali Fedotowsky to Emily Maynard: Sean Lowe FTW!

Will Ali Fedotowsky Wed Roberto Martinez on TV?

They just got engaged on The Bachelorette finale , bringing in big ratings for ABC. So … will Ali Fedotowsky and Roberto Martinez tie the knot on TV next? On Live with Regis and Kelly today, they say they haven’t ruled it out. “We’ve talked about it a little bit,” Ali said of a TV special. “Definitely a possibility.” “[But] not because we want to be on TV again.” So for the money then. Hey, it’s honest! Ali said a TV wedding could “be practical for our marriage, our life, our relationship. Weddings are expensive and [Roberto] has a huge family. When I met his mom, she said 700 people will be at it!” Kelly Ripa concurred: “Let ABC pay for it!” Should Alberto marry on a Bachelorette special? “We figure we are in love,” Ali Fedotowsky said, further explaining her reasoning. “We can invest that [wedding fund] money and invest our whole lives.” Jason Mesnick and Molly Malaney were the most recent (and only the second ever) couple from the franchise to get hitched on TV, marrying in March. As for Bachelorette runner-up Chris Lambton , who she sent packing before their final date,” Ali said, “I’m sort of glad I went through the motions, but at the end with Chris, I had to let him go … I just had to be with Roberto … I think he’ll be okay.” Roberto Martinez isn’t sure: “I don’t think so. He took it really bad.” TV wedding or not, will Ali and Roberto last?

Will Ali Fedotowsky Wed Roberto Martinez on TV?

Roberto Martinez, Ali Fedotowsky Plan Spring Wedding

She’s no longer The Bachelorette after an emotional season finale, but if all goes according to plan, Ali Fedotowsky will soon go by another name: The Bride. Hunky Roberto Martinez popped the question Monday night on ABC, and is apparently serious about making the Massachusetts native his wife in short order. “In the spring, we’re thinking,” Ali said when asked about when she’d like to marry her new fiance, who she chose over the broken-hearted Chris Lambton . While their wedding will likely be a big event – “Her mom wants like 700 people,” Martinez said – the couple already extended an invitation to a VIP guest. We’re not talking about host-pimp Chris Harrison, either. Asked by Jimmy Kimmel if they’d invite President Obama, who was not invited to Chelsea Clinton‘s wedding , Fedotowsky replied, “Absolutely, if they’ll come.” We wouldn’t bank on that, but either way, it looks like a wedding actually taking place for these lovebirds is 20 times more likely than, say, Jake and Vienna. Spending five days together for every 10 days apart while the show aired, because of demands of the show, their relationship evolved out of necessity. “We played games,” Ali said of entertainment in sequestration. “We made up handshakes.” Roberto adds, “I learned how I’m supposed to eat popcorn.” So there you go. Ali and Roberto are still together. But will they make it to the altar? The show’s track record is not good, but the pair is not worried. “We have so much faith in our relationship,” says Fedotowsky. “Every day we tell each other, ‘You are my priority. We’re going to put each other first.’” Will Ali Fedotowsky and Roberto Martinez last?

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Roberto Martinez, Ali Fedotowsky Plan Spring Wedding

The Bachelorette Recap: Frank Neuschaefer Dumps Ali in Tahiti For Mediocre Girl Back Home

Whether it was the producers’ idea, him writing himself into his own screenplay or prompted by genuine emotions, Frank Neuschaefer’s move last night was ballsy. Dumping Ali Fedotowsky for his ex-girlfriend this late in the game? That stings. Far worse than the antics of Justin “Rated R” Rego, who was far more transparent. Frank was awkward. He was sad. He confused the hell out of us. And he broke Ali’s heart. Love it or hate it, this was the watershed moment of the season so far. Oh yeah, and two guys were also there vying for her heart (and no one else’s). THG breaks down Monday’s penultimate episode of The Bachelorette below … Frank hasn’t been frank with Ali all along . It’s really odd how much ABC gives away in previews, not just before the episode airs, but for what’s “COMING UP” during the episode. Not everyone reads The Bachelorette spoilers , ABC. We certainly do, but not everyone. Minus 5 . Let’s delve right into Frank. He’s been obsessed with Ali all season, yet loved this Nicole Caruso girl so much that he chose her after one cheesy heart-to-heart, then flew all the way to Tahiti to break the news? This makes no sense, Minus 14 . Nicole says had no idea one person could complete another. Has she never seen Jerry Maguire? Eh, she looks like she’s about 19, so maybe not. Anyway, Minus 3 . Ali is way cuter and seems a lot cooler than Nicole. Just saying. Plus 5 . Not sure if they just need to kill time and stretch this filler into a two-hour show, but the gratuitous Ali bikini shots are off the hook this week. We’ll take it. Plus 7 . The majesty of Tahitian scenery soon gives way to despair, seeing as we do not make enough money from these Bachelorette reviews to ever go there. Minus 8 . Ooh, a helicopter ride! That’s a new one, Bachelorette! Minus 4 . Ali wears sexy lingerie to dinner with Roberto Martinez . Someone is a little boy crazy … not that we blame her. Despite sweating profusely, he’s a hunk! Plus 9 . Why do they always say the fantasy suite card is from Chris Harrison? Just so we’ll laugh and point it out here, while praising the venerable host-pimp? Plus 8. Will Ali Fedotowsky choose Chris Lambton or Roberto Martinez? Roberto has to be the frontrunner heading into the August 2 finale, given his obvious chemistry with Ali. Much of their date could be Cinemax material. Plus 5 . Wait, Chris’ mom died? Did we miss that? Minus 6 . Chris’ date with Ali involves cruising around on a giant boat, playing in the water and finding pearls in oysters. Cute, but too many obvious jokes missed. Wash . At dinner on a private island, he sweetly confesses that he can see himself with Ali. Roberto is her infatuation, but Chris might be an even better pick. Plus 12 . Chris says that his mom is looking down smiling right now. Minus 5 for the overkill, and Minus 14 more for the image of his late mom looking down smiling at her first born about to put it to a hot girl also dating someone else on a reality show. After arriving in Tahiti for reasons known, Frank reflects: “I’m confident in the decision I made, but to hurt Ali and potentially break her heart is going to be one of the hardest things I’ve ever had to do … so I wanna talk to Chris Harrison. ” Plus 50 . Eventually, he “confesses” to Ali and she seems genuinely miserable. Minus 19 , because it’s very possible Frank and Nicole “broke up” so he could go on the show, knowing full well he could play this card for dramatic effect. Minus 2 more for the annoying way he says “Nicole.” They have the rose ceremony anyway, an unnecessary but nice reminder for Ali that the two remaining guys are light years better than Frank anyway. Plus 7 . TOTAL: +23. SEASON: +166 . Who should Ali Fedotowsky choose?

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The Bachelorette Recap: Roberto Martinez Leads the Pack, Kirk DeWindt Gets Stuffed

After last week, The Bachelorette had its work cut out for it. Not only were the stakes high for Ali with hometown dates looming, but the Jake Pavelka and Vienna Girardi clash made for riveting, must-see train wreck TV. The hometown dates themselves last night? They all went well. Like, really well. She picked some good guys (mostly). Awesome for Ali, a little boring for us. Still, there was plenty to like about the episode, and plenty of hometown drama for us to go over here in THG’s patented plus-minus rundown of events … Roberto Martinez. Baseball uniform. Shameless, ABC. Plus 7 . Minus 3 for the wasted potential of baseball/dating puns (second base? eh?), but Plus 5 for Ali toeing the line between girly and sporty perfectly. So cute. Who will win the heart of The Bachelorette, Ali Fedotowsky? The Bachelorette star? So what. Roberto Sr. wants to make sure Ali is good enough for his son. Plus 4 for him taking it to her, and for her handling it well. If Roberto is the favorite, Chris Lambton is a close second. Ali Fedotowsky does seem to be a perfect fit in Chris’ Cape Cod home. Bay State 4 life!! Plus 6 . Minus 5 for the slight overkill regarding Chris’ mom. Yes, it’s a big part of who he is, and he’s very sincere. It’s the producers who overdo this narrative. How much do you want to swap your own family for Chris’? Plus 8 . The Lambtons are so, so genuine … which ABC exploits with the bit about the mom “up there helping orchestrate all this”? It’s The Bachelorette!! Minus 7 . Kirk DeWindt’s date is the most awkward, as it involves two eccentric families and one taxidermist. But Plus 3 , because everyone’s really nice. It is Wisconsin. At elimination time, you knew it was coming down to Kirk or Frank. The women in Kirk’s life are salt-of-the-earth folks who clearly love Ali. The only problem is Kirk himself. Nice as he is, there’s just something missing. Minus 2 . “Sometimes love is a complicated thing.” – Frank Neuschaefer. Deep. How can this man not be a writer when contemplative musings like this flow so easily? Plus 5 . Frank really needs a new look. Not only are his glasses too small for his face, is that a cardigan over a wife-beater? He’s like Mr. Rogers meets The Situation. Minus 7 . On a similar note, the fancy dresses don’t work on Ali Fedotowsky. She can totally pull off anything, but more baseball jerseys, fewer pink flowery gowns! Minus 4 . Plus 6 for the grainy, dream-like flashback footage during host-pimp Chris Harrison’s fireside chat with Ali … makes Roberto and Chris look even more dreamy, no? Again, Frank. Is that a tux and a sweatshirt at the rose ceremony? Minus 3 . If The Bachelorette spoilers are to be believed, we know who’s in the final two. If the promos for next week are to be believed, Ali may be paying a second visit to Kirk’s father’s basement … to stuff Frank’s corpse in that freezer. Plus 8 . TOTAL: +13. SEASON: +143 . Roses : Roberto, Chris, Frank. Out : Kirk. Who should Ali Fedotowsky choose?

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The Bachelorette Recap: Roberto Martinez Leads the Pack, Kirk DeWindt Gets Stuffed

The Bachelorette Recap: Who Has a Girlfriend?

The Bachelorette certainly had its moments last night, including steamy hot springs action and a 2-on-1 date in which the two most out-there suitors squared off. But it was the preview for next week that really got fans talking after an episode that was more or less tame. Who has a girlfriend? Is this promo just a gimmick? We know the answer to both. You’ll have to see The Bachelorette spoilers for who it is, and surprisingly, it’s not just editing or character assassination by ABC. This legitimately fell in the producers’ laps, catching Ali Fedotowsky completely off guard and explaining her irate reaction as depicted in next week’s promo. Anyway, on to Monday night, and Kasey’s krushing farewell. Who’s emerging as the favorite(s)? THG breaks down all the action below in its plus-minus index … AWESOME ALI : The guys are falling harder and harder.

The Bachelorette Recap: Kasey Gets Kreepy

What might have been a tame episode of The Bachelorette soon became surprisingly memorable as Kasey made a complete fool of himself – many times over. He certainly didn’t take any of the conventional routes – drunkenness, jackassery, climbing mountains Rated R style – either. No, Kasey was a unique kalamity. How did Ali Fedotowsky respond to his increasingly odd overtures? Who received roses at the end of the night and which two guys’ dreams were krushed forever? THG breaks down all the action below in its plus-minus index … Chris Harrison informs the guys they are headed around the world, starting in New York City. The Bachelorette’s budget must really be increasing lately. Plus 4 . Ali Fedotowsky gets an InStyle makeover. Minus only 1 , because while complete cross-promotional filler, this did provide us gorgeous shots of Ali Fedotowsky . Kasey gets a one-on-one date and talks to the cameras about how Ali is a beautiful butterfly, “ready and open for love.” It only gets weirder from there. Minus 2 . KRAZY TRAIN : Kasey puts the unintentionally hilarious moves on Ali.

Craig McKinnon: Just Not Into Ali Fedotowsky

If you watched The Bachelorette Monday, you couldn’t help but hate (or love to hate) the Canadian hothead with the big mouth and used car salesman hair. It was apparent to everyone – poor weatherman Jonathan Novack, Bachelorette star Ali Fedotowsky and millions of viewers – that Craig M. is a sociopath . Still, that doesn’t mean he wasn’t fun to watch. Ousted during the rose ceremony, Craig M. (for McKinnon, or Machismo) says there are no hard feelings, as he didn’t feel “a natural connection” anyway. The Toronto native reflected on his short but memorable stint on The Bachelorette on a conference call this week. Here’s what he had to say about … Nagging Jonathan : “The weatherman situation was not serious at all. I was totally joking. Jonathan … is a good guy who took things the wrong way.” Craig McKinnon meets The Bachelorette, Ali Fedotowsky. Neither was impressed. On being portrayed as a bully : “I guess I was portrayed [as a villain]. People who know me laughed their heads off and had a great time watching.” On his one regret : “Jesse and I in the kitchen. I wasn’t proud of that. The next morning we apologized to each other. It was inappropriate behavior.” On why he didn’t get a rose : “Jonathan saying I was stirring up trouble and Ali [knowing] I wasn’t interested … That probably trumped what he said.” On why he went on the show in the first place : “To find someone I could love and possibly get to the point of engagement. That was my purpose.” “But also for the experience. Anyone who says they aren’t there for an experience is lying. When I saw it was Ali, I wanted to still go on and have fun.” On Justin “Rated R” Rego : “The wrestler seemed pretty decent. Probably wasn’t there for the right reasons, but he didn’t seem like that bad a guy.” On his picks for Ali Fedotowsky : “Kirk, Roberto Martinez and Chris Lambton are a good fit. Those three seem really genuine about why they’re there.”

Craig McKinnon: Just Not Into Ali Fedotowsky