Has anyone ever jerked off to a figure skater before? I have. There was a time before internet when I didn’t have cable, and the one channel my antenna picked up played figure skating every fucking Sunday in winter…I live in Canada…winter sports always win… so I had limited options, and those little athletic things in skirts flipping around…were all I had…panty flashes, camel toes…I mean when the men in the sport may be gay, and the concept gay, but when you break it down to panty flashes it makes fucking sense… Retired figure skater Sasha Cohen posted this picture of herself in a bikini on Facebook. I guess to show you that she’s ripped…I like to think she is doing this for her fans, or maybe it’s for her coach who trained her real good from a young age to be a champion….you know how these sports go…filled with sex offence…
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Sasha Cohen Bikini Pic of the Day