Tag Archives: bitches-walking

Sophie Reade Opens Some Store in Lingerie of the Day

Some UK Big Brother winner continued to exploit herself even more than she already has because I guess she hasn’t had enough of insignificant fame and if anything loves it, because here she is at some store opening wearing lingerie on the street, something not horrible in theory, despite the fact that bitch is a solid 40 lbs overweight, making me think this is more of a circus performance than something worth jerking off to, but what the fuck do I know, maybe people like this shit, but I like to think its got more to do with her being very affordable for a store looking for someone to draw some attention in financially strained times. Pics via Fame

Sophie Reade Opens Some Store in Lingerie of the Day

Geri Halliwell Tits for Breast Cancer of the DAy

I usually hate theme parties. I get pissed off when I hear about 9 to 5ers organizing murder mystery shit, or when colleges organize pimp and ho shit, or pajama shit, or school girl and professor shit, or halloween shit, or Christmas shit, or pretty much any organized activity that brings out the idiots in huge numbers to dance around and laugh in unison like a bunch of cocksuckin’ drones drinking the fuckin’ Kool Aid….

Originally posted here:
Geri Halliwell Tits for Breast Cancer of the DAy

Some Half Naked Models for Paris Fashion Week of the Day

I used to masturbate to some Fashion TV show. It was on every Sunday when I was dying hungover or still drunk on the only channel I got, so I guess I have a deep loving relationship with skinny bitches walking the runway showing off body parts because of all the good they have done for me all those years

Originally posted here:
Some Half Naked Models for Paris Fashion Week of the Day