I don’t know why I feel bad for the racoon in this video, of a guy trying to save his dog from being attacked by the rabid thing. I mean racoons are shitty garbage eating urban fucking wildlife that rape cats, aren’t very nice, and get in my fucking garbage… They are meant to be supper in the South, like people love eating them in the south, so seeing a dude protecting his dog, throwing the thing like a fucking frisbee should make me laugh… Maybe I feel bad for the coon cuz I am a lover of animals, or maybe it is because I saw this video of some redneck backwoods showering with his dinner Update – this is apparently the founder of DIGG.
This goes back to my theory of never trusting a motherfucker in a wheelchair, unless he has doctor records and proof that he belongs in a wheelchair… Without that, he may just be trying to trick you into giving him spare change, or the government or insurance company to pay off an injury he’s blown up… That’s why a few weeks ago, I told an obnoxious guy in a wheelchair to fuck off, or I would push him into traffic, I am not an angry dude, I just don’t like assholes pretending to be bitter towards the world cuz we can walk…or run a marathon if we choose…we can even jump or kick and swim if needed…we can get things off the higher shelf oh and we can get laid cuz our dicks work…especially when they are just pretending to be wheelchair bound. This video has been sent to me a few times and it is just crazy, so I had to post it, even if you’ve already seen it… The facts are pretty simple, dude in the wheelchair was handing out leaflets as to why he was left partially paralyzed after being beat up by cops, he lost in court and is trying to rally up support. In trying to get his message across, he decided to blow himself up, but not officially blow himself up, more smoke and mirror blow himself up for impact, leaving no casualties, just a few burns on his arm. Fair enough…but the video is still pretty intense. Luckily, it didn’t happen in the subway…