Tag Archives: black-as-she

Kylie Jenner Fitness of the Day

White girl problems…are like Orange is the New Black…or as close to black as she can get… Her parents are white, at least I assume they are, you never know when you’re dad is a woman and your mom is a hooker, and your sisters are various shades of shit… These garbage prostitutes with their doughy plastic surgery and/or make up failed face are the most important people on the internet and that’s just fucking insanity.. But not as insane as her showing off her body that lures in a sex offending boyfriend in his 30s, already a baby daddy with one of the most gutter bitches around, because Kardashians are trash..and it feels like home to him…home with a lot of money…that is pretty tight because being a Kardashian hasn’t really got to her vagina yet…but I guess even if she was 400 lbs a dude would fuck her to get invited to family dinner… I just think she’s a cartoon character….a really uninteresting cartoon character… The post Kylie Jenner Fitness of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

Kylie Jenner Fitness of the Day

Rihanna’s Booty Does Twitter of the Day

Finally, Rihanna’s as black as she wishes she could be…..and that dumpy ass flat ass and no titties on her curvy light skin has some actual booty and pigment…sure it is in the form of a shadow but anything is progress for her to not the pathetic excuse for a black girl she is and every black person hates about her sell out, untalented, bullshit self…That’s the story I heard….

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Rihanna’s Booty Does Twitter of the Day