Tag Archives: blind-date

Dating in Atlanta Can Be a Nightmare – BUT This May Change Things!

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Reec (Hot 107.9) Talks with Shaprintace (Blind Date, Bravo). Find out how you can get hooked up on a blind date on Bravo!

Dating in Atlanta Can Be a Nightmare – BUT This May Change Things!

16 First Date Horror Stories (Poor #9!)

The following text message exchanges about men or women who have agreed to go on a first date should make one group of people very happy: Those who are in stable marriages! Be thankful you never need to experience anything like what is relayed in the conversations below… 1. Autocorrect Can Ruin Even the Best First Impressions Hilarious case in point. 2. I Didn’t Actually Barf But nothing interesting came out of his mouth, either. 3. Eating Dinner on a Date? What a foreign concept… to at least one person, apparently. 4. Hey, This Story Did Take Place Due to a Blind Date And it’s hilarious. So we’re counting it! 5. A Case of Mistaken Identity Why do we feel like this date actually went well, though? 6. After One Date? How Sweet! Oh, oops. We meant: how scary! View Slideshow

Originally posted here:
16 First Date Horror Stories (Poor #9!)