Ever since Teresa Giudice began serving her 15-month prison sentence for bankruptcy fraud back in January, rumors about Joe Giudice cheating on her have seemed to pop up every week. At first, Teresa denied that Joe was cheating and refused to even entertain the possibility. Now, sources close to the incarcerated Housewife say that she’s accepted the fact that Joe’s been satisfying his urges while she’s in prison, and while she’s not exactly cool with his infidelity, she has no plans to leave him over it. One insider tells Life & Style that Teresa was raised to believe that women should turn a blind eye to unfaithful husbands: “She isn’t stupid, she knows he cheats. But she won’t leave him. Teresa comes from that old-school Italian philosophy that says men have needs and appetites. She just wishes Joe were more discreet about it.” Another source says Teresa blames herself, and believes that her imprisonment left Joe with no other choice but to sleep around. Obviously, those justifications are ludicrous for a number of reasons, not the least of which is that, by his own admission, it’s Joe’s fault that Teresa is in prison . “Every night when she’s in prison, Teresa is worried that Joe is with another woman,” says one source. “Joe is a total pig. I mean, he is just so out of control with his cheating, it’s amazing she’s stood by him.” That Juicy Joe is quite a guy. Hopefully, this open marriage thing works both ways and Teresa will have free rein to get it in with whomever she pleases while he’s serving his 41-month sentence.
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Teresa Giudice: Knows Joe Giudice Cheats on Her, Doesn’t Care, Source Says