Tag Archives: chris-hardwick

Chris Hardwick Strongly Denies Sexual Assault Allegations

Chris Hardwick has broken his silence. The podcast and television host is at the center of a very serious scandal this week after an ex-girlfriend named Chloe Dystrka wrote a troubling and personal essay about her relationship with Hardwick. In this esay, Dykstra details how an unnamed former boyfriend ( strongly presumed to be Hardwick) forced her to have sex against her will and treated her with absolute disdain. The 29-year old brings up this ex-boyfriend’s “controlling behavior” and how “rules were quickly established” shortly after the two started dating, including how she could not be friends with men and could not drink alcohol. “I was not to speak in public places (elevators, cars with drivers, restaurants where tables were too close) as he believed that people recognized him and were listening to our conversations,” she said. Dykstra added she was “terrified to piss him off, so I did what he said. Including let him sexually assault me. Regularly,” explaining: “I was expected to be ready for him when he came home from work. Every night, I laid there for him, occasionally in tears. He called it ‘starfishing.’ He thought the whole idea was funny.” Everyone who has read this account, conversely, finds it horrifying. In response to the accusations, Nerdist, a content company founded by Hardwick, confirmed on Friday that it had severed ties with Hardwick . It also made it clear that Hardwick has not been active with the company for years. Dykstra even emphasized this same point in a Tweet late Friday, writing: Before I take my break, I do want to address something re: the company he founded. As I understand it, the person has not been associated with that company for several years, and I hope that they will not suffer as a result of my essay. Be kind to them, they are good people. Now, at last, Hardwick has spoken out about these disturbing allegations. “I was heartbroken to read Chloe’s post,” he said to open a statement to Deadline, adding: “Our three year relationship was not perfect – we were ultimately not a good match and argues – even shouted at each other – but I loved her and did my best to uplift and support her as a partner and companion in any way and at no time did I sexually assault her.” Dykstra did add the following in her confession: “To be fair, I did go along with it out of fear of losing him. I’m still recovering from being sexually used (not in a super fun way) for three years.” So we’re not about to speculate about what actually transpired between these two, except to say that Hardwick could be trying to walk a fine line and deny the specific allegation of assault , considering (in his mind and sort of by her own admission), Dykstra did not fight back. “These are very serious allegations and not to be taken lightly which is why I’ve taken the day to consider how to respond,” Hardwick continued, expounding as follows: “When we were living together, I found out that Chloe had cheated on me, and I ended the relationship. “For several weeks after we broke up, she asked to get back together with me and even told me she wanted to have kids with me, ‘build a life’ with me and told me that I was ‘the one,’ but I did not want to be with someone who was unfaithful. “I’m devastated to read that she is now accusing me of conduct that did not occur. l was blindsided by her post and always wanted the best for her. “As a husband, a son, and future father, I do not condone any kind of mistreatment of women.” (Above, Dykstra poses with Hardwick in 2013; below, she poses on a red carpet alone.) Dykstra also claims that Hardwick trash talked her following their split, effectively ending her career in Hollywood. Following the release of Hardwick’s statement, actor Robert Kazinsky took to Twitter to defend Dykstra. “As @hardwick has chosen to deny Chloe’s account, I’ll take the opportunity to say I have seen the proof myself, I have seen the evidence first hand, I’ve seen the people who have come forward to tell @skydart how Chris ordered her blacklisted, there isn’t just one, there are many. “For years the pain @skydart carried around was overwhelming, and even now @hardwick doesn’t have the decency to offer first an apology to the woman he destroyed intentionally. “That’s all that mattered.” Dykstra also said in her extended message that she contemplated suicide “many times,” but is now a much healthier and happier place. She concluded: “To the man who tried to ruin my future: A sincere and heartfelt apology could have made my last four years a hell of a lot easier.”

The rest is here:
Chris Hardwick Strongly Denies Sexual Assault Allegations

Chris Hardwick Roasts His Appearance On His ‘Boy Meets World’ Episode

Friendly reminder Chris Hardwick guest-starred as himself on “Boy Meets World.”

More here:
Chris Hardwick Roasts His Appearance On His ‘Boy Meets World’ Episode

The Walking Dead Season 7: On the Way!

AMC has arrived a very difficult decision: The cable network will NOT kill off The Walking Dead. We kid, of course. The Walking Dead is the highest rated show on all of television among the advertiser-friendly demographic of 18-34-year olds. AMC might as well have just renewed it through Season 29 at this point. Charlie Collier, president of AMC, SundanceTV and AMC Studios, also said via press release that he has renewed Talking Dead, the highly-rated after-show hosted by Chris Hardwick. “Thank goodness someone had a Magic 8-Ball with them in our many long internal meetings about these renewals. When, on the third shake, ‘without a doubt’ filled the murky blue screen, we knew we had to proceed with new seasons of The Walking Dead and Talking Dead. “All joking aside, we are so proud to share these shows with fans who have been so passionate, communicative and engaged. “We are grateful for and continually impressed by the talent, effort and excellence on continuous display by Robert Kirkman, Scott Gimple, Chris Hardwick and the many people with whom we partner to make these unique shows possible. “The result: More Walking and Talking. Hooray.” The Walking Dead Season 6 possibly killed a major character last week. Is he really, truly done? You can always watch The Walking Dead online via our friends at TV Fanatic to keep current. View Slideshow: The Walking Dead Cast: Before They Were Stars…

Read the rest here:
The Walking Dead Season 7: On the Way!

Adam Yauch Remembered: Celebrities Tweet Messages to Late MCA

The music world continues to mourn the death of Beastie Boys co-founder Adam Yauch. “MCA” passed away Friday at 47 after a long battle with cancer. Friends and celebs are stepping forward to pay tribute to Yauch (pictured below, middle with Beasties Ad Rock and Mike D) and his pioneering influence. Coldplay honored Adam Yauch with a Beastie Boys cover in concert, while many other stars took to Twitter to express their sadness. A sampling: Snoop Dogg: “RIP MCA U are a Legend and a pioneer. #BeastieBoys4life” Travis Barker: “Rest In Peace Adam Yauch /MCA. 4ever somebody i looked up to & had the pleasure of meeting. Damn this bums me out, we lost one of the best” Kevin Smith: “RIP Adam Yauch. You made my teenage years more fun and your art made it easier for me to do what I do. For a Beastie, you sure were a beaut.” Common: “God Bless the soul of Adam Yauch aka MCA of the Beastie Boys. RIP” Rainn Wilson: “RIP Adam Yauch (MCA of the Beastie Boys). He was a super-genius, a visionary and, most importantly, a really good person.” Rob Thomas: “holy s–t. R.I.P. ADAM YAUCH. MCA, you will be missed.” Slash: “Sad day. MCA was f–king awesome. RIP man. We’ll miss you very much.” Jon Cryer: “We are gonna miss all the greatness you still had left inside you. RIP Adam Yauch” Mario Lopez: “Beastie Boys were such a part of my soundtrack as a youth growing up… R.I.P MCA…” 311: “Much love & respect, Adam Yauch. Our best to the #BeastieBoys family.” Kal Penn: “Sad news about #MCA” Milla Jovovich: “we lost one of our greatest talents today. my prayers and thoughts go out to the family and friends of Adam Yauch. Beastie Boys for life.” Chris Hardwick: “RIP MCA. Interviewed him briefly once and he couldn’t have been sweeter or cooler. This sucks a lot. Mandy Moore: “sending energy and light to Adam Yauch’s loved ones…..#RIPMCA” Michelle Branch: “Just heard about Adam Yauch. Beyond bummed. So so so sad.” Estelle: “RIP Adam Yauch of the LEGENDARY Beastie Boys … damn.” Josh Groban: “Oh no. This just sucks beyond measure. RIP MCA.” Gwyneth Paltrow: “MCA forever.”

Read more from the original source:
Adam Yauch Remembered: Celebrities Tweet Messages to Late MCA

Tech Review: Canon PowerShot SD3500 Digital Camera

Watch Larger Version of this Video The Canon PowerShot SD3500 digital camera boasts an innovative 3.5″ touch screen, optical image stabilization and smart auto mode but Chris Hardwick and Alison Haislip find out if these features are worth the $330 cost. Find the full review from Gadget Pron on Attack of the Show after the cut. What You Need To Know The camera measures about 4″ across and is under 1″ thick. It might be bigger than most cameras you are used to. This camera features a much improved touch screen. It’s much more responsive and acts the way you’d expect it to. Just tap on your subject to auto-focus. There are also tactile controls like tapping the camera to start a slide show, and tilting it to move to the next image. overall, the experience is much better. They added a few features like Creative Effects and Smart Shutter (which takes a picture when you smile or wink), all of which work well for the most part. The effects like fish-eye and miniature are fun to have, and really do add value. Most of the time, effects on digital cameras are worthless. Smile shutter works like a charm, but the wink timer has trouble detecting whether or not you’re closing your eye. Canon was close to make their pictures look just as good as their previous point-and-shoot cameras. Normal light pictures have a lot of detail and accurate colors, but they don’t pop like we’re used to seeing. Low light pictures look good, too, but occasionally, you might get a little too much noise or soft focus. Most of the time, images are super clear. Price $330 Rating 3 Seals of Approval out of 5 ( How do we rate gadgets? ) The camera is good in many respects, but the super high price and barely above average image quality means you’ll have to decide for yourself on whether or not this is a buy. Want something reviewed on Gadget Pr0n? Email us your suggestions to gadgetpron@g4tv.com .

Originally posted here:
Tech Review: Canon PowerShot SD3500 Digital Camera

Cliff Bleszinski’s Next Game Debuting On Jimmy Fallon’s Show Next Thursday

Maybe the rumors about Gears of War 3 being revealed in April weren’t completely off the mark. Late night talk show host Jimmy Fallon announced over Twitter the next game from Epic Games designer Cliff Bleszinski will be revealed on Late Night With Jimmy Fallon next Thursday. “Game designer Cliff Bleszinski (@therealcliffyb) debuts his new game on Late Night next Thur,” reads the Twitter update from Fallon. “Set your TiVos! And your Xboxes.” Given how close we are to a slew of April Fools day-related video game jokes, I’ve reached out to Bleszinki to confirm Fallon isn’t yanking our chain, but all signs right now suggest it’s actually true. Epic Games is collaborating with People Can Fly on an unnamed shooter for Electronic Arts releasing in early 2011 and it’s widely rumored the studio is working on Gears of War 3,