Tag Archives: brian stelter

Helicopter And Plane Crash Over Hudson River

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Woah: it’s being reported that a small plane and a helicopter have crashed over the Hudson River. NY1 and CNN have the story, we’ll be updating as we get more. The Twitteratti are all over this.

Apparently a small plane and a Liberty Tours helicopter had a mid-air collision. There’s been one reported death, but there are survivors. And the Twitteratti, of course, are reporting this story first. The Atlantic’s Marc Ambinder believes that other than one DOA, everyone else made it:

They’re being transported to the 30th Street helipad. Non-blogger Michael Orell happened to be at Chelsea Piers; this is the second time he’s watched a plane get fished out of the Hudson.

Some guy supposedly posted a picture on Twitter of a tire from the plane that crashed:
While one Twitterer claims to have actually been on a Water Taxi and seen it happen:

One guy notes that they’re fishing people out of the Hudson right now:

The New York Times’ Brian Stelter is crowdsourcing Q & A’s from on-the-scene witnesses. This person, who was thankful to be alive (and having brunch), seems to have a new appreciation for mortality:

Beleaguered Mets fan and Mediaite blogger Anthony “SoupSoup” DeRosa‘s also on the case. He’s picking up reports from an FDNY scanner:

So, basically, that awful Nicolas Cage movie Knowing where the entire world falls apart due to (SPOILER ALERT) solar flares is basically becoming true because everything’s fucking crashing. Avoid going outside, live in fear, wear lots of seatbelts. We’ll be updating here as we get news.

Excerpt from:
Helicopter And Plane Crash Over Hudson River

Glenn Beck ‘Jokes’ About Poisoning Nancy Pelosi

Seemingly unfazed by the advertisers fleeing from his show over his inflammatory hate speech , Glenn Beck tonight played out a dumb skit where he imagined himself drinking with Nancy Pelosi , whose wine he spiked with poison. Geez, where to even begin with this? Glenn Beck is so goddamned exhausting — Okay, so here’s Beck being Beck, just being a big, goofy ass, pretending that he’s hanging out at Nancy Pelosi’s liberal, elitist wine vineyard, and near the end of the clip he “jokes” that he’s poisoned Pelosi’s wine

Read more from the original source:
Glenn Beck ‘Jokes’ About Poisoning Nancy Pelosi

Olbermann Plays the Bereaved Son Card in the Richard Wolffe Fiasco

Tonight Keith Olbermann explained why he was ignorant of the fact that one of Countdown ‘s regular political analysts/guest hosts is a working lobbyist — he’s been too distracted grieving his mother’s death. Boy, doesn’t that sound familiar ?! As you may recall, back in May Keith Olbermann lashed out at Cityfile , Wonkette and Gawker for reporting that he’d angrily walked out on MSNBC after losing a Ben Affleck booking to Rachel Maddow

Go here to see the original:
Olbermann Plays the Bereaved Son Card in the Richard Wolffe Fiasco