Tag Archives: brings-somebody

Brad Womack on The Bachelor Secrecy: Brutal!

Two-time Bachelor Brad Womack says it’s been difficult keeping his engagement to Chantemily secret this entire season. We can imagine so. The long wait comes to an end March 14, however, and he says he can’t wait to reveal his choice to the world. He’s counting down the days. “Every Monday night since January 3 has not been a good night at my house,” he told People . “We will see how [my fiancee] handles it.” “I was particularly scared of the overnight, exotic date episode.” The pre-season finale blitz has Brad excited, but increasingly antsy. “It’s brutal. You go on [the show], you find someone, you choose each other and then you hit pause. You can’t just start the daily life stuff.” “I’m excited to move in together and go on real dates,” Brad Womack adds. “My only intention [in doing the show] was to start a future.” Hard as it’s been, and unclear as The Bachelor spoilers have been about the direction of the season, Brad was always sure of his choice. “Do I think this woman is the one? Damn right I do,” he says. “I probably shouldn’t say this but my heart was in a specific place pretty early on.” “I’m in love. There’s strength there and a real relationship. We have our ups and downs but we’re fighting through and making it work.” “I know everyone questioned my intentions but I know where my mind and heart are. I know what I want and who I want it with – her.” What do you think? Who should win The Bachelor?

See the rest here:
Brad Womack on The Bachelor Secrecy: Brutal!

Snooki on Vinny Guadagnino Feelings: So Lame

Snooki admits she had feelings for Vinny Guadagnino on Jersey Shore . This is not surprising to those of us who have watched the show since the beginning, but also not something she likes to be reminded about in retrospect. On tonight’s new episode, Snooki, who’s still with Jionni LaValle , wishes she hadn’t professed her love for Guadagnino during a raucous club outing. “I’m embarrassed. F–k my life,” Snooki says. “I like him, but it’s not a good look for me to start to have feelings [as] he’s bringing home all these girls.” “He tells me he’s not going to bring anyone else back home so we can cuddle and then he brings somebody home. It just makes me look stupid.” Though their romance didn’t pan out, all is not lost. At least she got it in at least once, ended up with another boyfriend, and is on the cover of Rolling Stone for some reason. Yes, really. She’s on it. Freaking Snooki. That’s all we have to say.

See the original post here:
Snooki on Vinny Guadagnino Feelings: So Lame