We could learn a lot from dogs. Like how to raid the refrigerator ? Well… yeah. But also how to appreciate the small things in life. Take the English Bulldog in the following video for instance. All this little guy needs is a hill full of grass and he’s the happiest creature alive, rolling around under the sun without a care in the world. Bulldog Rolls Down Hill Seriously, look at him go! WHEEEEEE! It’s certainly true that canines require very little to be in a good great mood. Just consider this pug, who loves taking a bath more than we love to do anything in the world. (Yes, even more than we love to ogle photos of Kim Kardashian nude .) As for those seeking more reasons to adore English and French Bulldogs, consider the following gallery: 19 Reasons Why Bulldogs Are Awesome! 1. Bulldog Tries to Walk Great Dane A mini bulldog tries to take a great dane for a walk in this video. Watch now to see the hilarious results.
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English Bulldog Rolls Down Hill, Epitomizes True Happiness