Tag Archives: burn-or-some

Lady Gaga Bird Faced and Tanning of the Day

I love these stalker pictures because it makes me feel like I am in on the perverted peeping tom, only I don’t get the thousands of dollars for getting the picture, I just get to look at them….not that I like looking at pictures of Lady Gaga ever, especially when they pretty much show nothing but Gaga’s weird weak-chinned, big-nosed, bird face, but she is covered up in a fucking t-shirt so that her shitty pasty skin doesn’t get a fucking burn or some shit and that is something worth celebrating, because I don’t want to see Gaga naked, I find her a monster with no sex appeal and I hate that she already pollutes our lives with her disgusting half naked body, so it’s nice to see that in her downtime, she knows shit is really fucking inappropriate and that no one really wants to see her disgustingness, while I thought she was fame-hungry enough to be fisting her ass and playing with her balls while clamping her sloppy tits to get noticed….but I guess she’s finally getting broken down by all the attention and is tired of living her lie, so it’s just a matter of time before she is forgotten which will end with her suicide…cuz she’s cliche and thinks that’s poetic and I’m happy about that, cuz I’m ready for Gaga to end. Here are some pics of her getting off the boat I wish sank when she was on it – and she’s back in costume – living her lie – pantsless…. Pics via PacificCoastNews

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Lady Gaga Bird Faced and Tanning of the Day