Tag Archives: bushmen-village

The Bikeloc Project: A Potluck Bike Tour

Image credit: GOOD GOOD has teamed up with Pepsi to help bring positive change to communities. The Pepsi Refresh project gives away millions of dollars in grants for some really amazing ideas. One of which is helping to fund the Bikleloc project…. Read the full story on TreeHugger

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The Bikeloc Project: A Potluck Bike Tour

Local Food, Motherfu$k*r: 10 Awesome Ad Campaigns Addressing Food’s Carbon Footprint (Slideshow)

Photo via Thomas Cheng A picture is worth a thousand words. How can we grab people’s attention, and get them to eat more local food? Yes, local food — because it is healthier, slashes food’s carbon footprint, and makes you savour the seasons again. Advertising agencies around the world have launched some truly smart marketing campaigns to educate people on local food and culinary traditions. But don’t take our word for it: See the Australians dress up crocodiles, the Italians… Read the full story on TreeHugger

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Local Food, Motherfu$k*r: 10 Awesome Ad Campaigns Addressing Food’s Carbon Footprint (Slideshow)

Court Ruling: Botswana Bushmen Denied Access to Water

Photo via Wikipedia It’s an old battle, and a cruel one. The Botswana government wants the Bushmen of the Kalahari off of the Central Kalahari Game Reserve, one of the driest areas of the world but also one the bushmen have called home for thousands of years. Labeling them essentially poachers and squatters, the government uses water as a tool to remove the indigenous people. At first it was by removing them from land they didn’t have legal right to, but after winning rights to their ancestral land, the Botswana government switched tactics. In 2002, officials capped a we… Read the full story on TreeHugger

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Court Ruling: Botswana Bushmen Denied Access to Water