Tag Archives: call-it-hate

Reese Witherspoon in Tights of the Day

Want to know something that I don’t like…Reese Witherspoon in a pair of tights. I also don’t really like that back before she was really famous, she got knocked up on set of Cruel Intentions and instead of an abortion like a normal girl getting knocked up, she made Ryan Philippe commit and make her 12 more babies, that’s the way good southern Christians work…it reminds me that at any given time – my unprotected sex may end up a living hell. She’s the poster girl for that…but the good new is that girls aren’t dumb enough to have my kid, and more importantly, it all worked out pretty well for Philippe. Reese got really fucking famous, we’re talking A-List…and probably bankrolls his broke ass because pretty boys don’t last forever…they are easily replaced… So looking at this mom ass doesn’t excite me…it may excite you…it’s better than any ass you’ve had…and those girls weren’t even moms…they were just fat and half retarded and lonely… But this mom ass represents hope…of a better tomorrow… TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS CLICK HERE

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Reese Witherspoon in Tights of the Day

Anne Hathaway of Elle UK of November of the Day

These pictures are from a recent magazine feature on Anne Hathaway where she discusses how fame ruined her, or challenged her at her core, in some self-involved, narcisstic, in love with herself because her mom was an Actress who never really made it to A-List, who had dreams of forcing her kid into it – using the connections she had made…leading to a lifetime of “Pats on the back”…saying “you did good”….leading to her becoming the most hated person in Hollywood… I almost feel bad for her because there hasn’t been any specific thing she did to be hated, I mean sure she didn’t deserve an Oscar for shaving her head in a blockbuster pile of shit movie, but that’s not her fault… It’s like the world just fucking turned on her – when she was at the top of her game – and in so many ways it is some serious cyberbullying..real cruel..destroy her at her soul…but she’s powered through, is still rich, and who really gives a fuck about her feelings…selling your soul to the industry means selling your fucking soul to the industry…you want fame, it comes with assholes who hate you – and other assholes who jerk off to your fancy cover girl pictures…and assholes who do both, we call it hate jerking off…like hate fucking for those of us who don’t have sex.

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Anne Hathaway of Elle UK of November of the Day