Tag Archives: called-the-most

Stephen Dorff Says Jack Nicholson Will Love ‘Somewhere’

‘I think he’ll identify with it so much,’ Dorff suggests about his friend and one-time co-star’s opinion of the acclaimed new film. By Kara Warner, with reporting by Josh Horowitz Stephen Dorff Photo: MTV News Ever since they shared screen time in the 1997 heist flick “Blood and Wine,” actors Stephen Dorff and Jack Nicholson have remained close friends. Their relationship may not necessarily be “bromance” territory, but it’s close enough that Dorff has shared his career ups and downs with the Oscar winner, and asked for his advice over the years. When MTV News caught up with Dorff recently to talk about his critically acclaimed new film “Somewhere” — a role that he called the most challenging of his career — he said he thinks the flick is one Nicholson will really enjoy. “I think he’s going to really love this movie because to me it’s a film that isn’t made anymore today,” Dorff explained. “It’s such a character piece and I think he’ll identify with it so much. Dorff revealed that he already got a big thumbs-up from Nicholson after “Somewhere” took home the top prize at Italy’s Venice Film Festival in September. “After we won Venice I remember telling him how excited I was,” he recalled. “And he’s like, ‘Way to go, Dorff!’ ” We then brought up the fact that Nicholson has taken several actors under his wing over the years — pointing out to Dorff that the Hollywood legend had taken an interest in “Mad Men” actress January Jones when she was first starting out. “Well, he takes an interest in a lot of women, let’s be honest,” Dorff responded with a chuckle. “He definitely took me under his wing. I think it’s rare for Jack to take a young guy under his wing — he’s not hanging out with too many guys. “He did do that with Sean Penn and he’s definitely given me great advice over the years,” Dorff added. “I always feel like I have him as a friend and he’ll show up if he can. And he’s always been my favorite actor, so for me, he’s a friend, and it’s nice to get a little star struck still. It keeps me remembering who I am and where I am, and Jack’s still somebody that makes me a little nervous.” If Dorff has his way, he and his buddy Jack will take their friendship to the big screen via a comedy the younger actor is hoping to make with Adam Sandler’s production company. “It’s a very funny comedy idea for me and him set in the South of France,” Dorff told the UK’s Independent newspaper last month. “We’re not in script form yet but I wrote the treatment and they’ve already bought it so as soon as I get a break from working, I’ll turn that into a script and I’ll go and tell Jack. … And I’ll get Sony to give him his $15 million and then we’ll go and make the movie — because he likes money.” Check out everything we’ve got on “Somewhere.” For breaking news, celebrity columns, humor and more — updated around the clock — visit MTVMoviesBlog.com .

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Stephen Dorff Says Jack Nicholson Will Love ‘Somewhere’

Lindsay Lohan Cleavagy At MTV Movie Awards 2010

Lindsay Lohan Cleavagy At MTV Movie Awards 2010 added by: cocko

Jonah Hill for “World Toilet Spokesman”

I didn’t start off wanting to make a gross-out movie. But two days into shooting “The World’s Toilet Crisis” for Current TV’s Vanguard documentary series, I had to admit that I was pretty disgusted. From a massive sewage treatment plant just south of Los Angeles to India’s once-sacred, now polluted Yamuna River, my team of producers and I had set off on a mission to track how the lack of sanitation in many countries has had a devastating impact on public health. I could tell you we were looking for clean water amidst the contamination, but that’s just being polite, and being polite is part of the problem. It’s a very big part of how even in the 21st century, some 2.6 billion people—40 percent of the world’s population—are still defecating in the open rather than in toilets connected to a proper sewage treatment system. We went to India and Indonesia because we were looking for shit. When people defecate in rivers, fields and gutters, the water becomes contaminated with shit. Food gets contaminated. And people get sick. An estimated 2 million deaths a year, largely among children, could be prevented by improving access to toilets. And yet very little has been done to end the world’s toilet crisis. One reason for the inaction is that few people—and almost no one with the political or popular cache to command international attention—have stepped forward to speak plainly about what’s happening and what’s at stake. Jack Sim, a businessman who founded the World Toilet Organization, has spearheaded efforts in Indonesia to make toilets both affordable and desirable. But as Sim told me, there’s no “Angelina Jolie of toilets.” I don’t think the movement needs an Angelina Jolie. I think it needs someone like Jonah Hill—who in “Get Him to the Greek” spends what seems like half the movie mired in scatological humor—or any of the other actors in hit gross-out comedies who have made a living and a name for themselves making fart jokes. Let’s face it, talking about toilets would be a classy step up from this: If we want to seriously address the fact that 40 percent of the world’s population lack a simple flush toilet—which The Lancet, a British medical journal, called the most important health innovation of the last 150 years—we’re all going to have to be willing to get a little grossed out. The World’s Toilet Crisis” airs Wednesday, June 9 at 10/9c on Current TV. added by: Adam_Yamaguchi

Randy Quaid to Judge: I Used to Be a Winner …

Randy Quaid called the most random witness EVER today in his ongoing legal war with an innkeeper — his 1988 Golden Globe for Best Actor in a Miniseries or Television Film. It’s absolutely unclear why Randy brought the award — which he won for … Permalink

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Randy Quaid to Judge: I Used to Be a Winner …

Foot Fault Call Sparks Serena Williams Meltdown

We don’t normally post about sports or sports figures at THG . But there are exceptions, like when Tom Brady goes shirtless, Shawne Merriman possibly beats up Tila Tequila or Boise State and Oregon get into an epic melee.

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Foot Fault Call Sparks Serena Williams Meltdown