Tag Archives: came-out-crying

Never in my wildest dreams would I have thought I would be…

Never in my wildest dreams would I have thought I would be sitting behind my laptop screen writing my very own Bieber Experience! But I am so glad Justin taught me to NSN because here I am, my name is Merlixse and this is my Bieber experience. On June 23, 2011 I had the most incredible experience ever! A couple of days before the Someday event, one of my closest friends called me, texted and left a couple of voicemail messages saying  JUSTIN BIEBER WAS HAVING A MEET AND GREET IN MACY’S ! As soon as I found out, naturally I begged my mother to let me go. Being that it was kind of expensive I had to clean up everything at home, and let me tell you boy was it worth it! We started lining up at 10am on Tuesday, myself and my friends were 5th in line and spent more than 24 hours on the streets of NYC. It was INSANE. We spoke to every single stranger who was passing by or asking for info and at one point my friend and I were so anxious that we went into Macy’s and helped them make  TWO SALES of $145 ! Then came Thursday when I was actually meeting Bieber. I woke up extremely early to go down to T he View  and to T he Today Show  just to get a glimpse of him so I wouldn’t be so shocked when I met him later that day.  Finally came 2:00pm. While waiting on the line,  Adam Braun  came by to speak to all the fans and I spoke to him and told him all about my sleepover in the streets. He laughed and thanked me and my friends for being so supportive. When leaving,  Adam turned around, looked at me while taking off his Pencils of Promise bracelet, smiled and gave it to me!  Then in a blink of an eye it was finally my turn,  I was one of the last people to meet Justin. When I was walking towards him and in the middle of a hug, his phone rang. He ignored the call and proceeded with the meet and greet. I was so lucky the camera broke so I was standing with him in same position as my photo for like 3 minutes. I awkwardly said  “Well isn’t this hilarious” and he asked me, ”So what’s up?”  We had a legit conversation how my friends and I were there for 24 hours and how we were in the picture he tweeted. His bright eyes opened wide in amazement as he said “WOW! That’s crazy”. Then he asked me, ”Then why are you one of the last to meet me?” I told him we were trying to be last, but he understood that we went home to change. Then  my friend Melissa who helped me sell Someday perfumes in Macy’s  yelled, ”YOU’RE SO LUCKY, I HATE YOU” Justin looked me in the eyes with a huge smile and said, “I think your friends are a little jealous of you!” Although everything that happened to me that day was amazing, the best part is the girl’s picture right after me he’s still looking at me! The next day I tweeted a picture of me with the bracelet to Adam and he DM’d me! This experience made me understand the reason why the perfume is called Someday . It means someday you will reach you dreams and goals. If you dream of Someday meeting Justin, it’ll happen, just never give up and NEVER SAY NEVER. -@greenfacedlixse Read this article: Never in my wildest dreams would I have thought I would be…

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Never in my wildest dreams would I have thought I would be…