Turn it to see part 2 with Riri and her team flashing the cameras in the pool.
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Rihanna’s “The Road To Talk That Talk” Part 1 & 2 With Riri Frolicking In A Bikini In Pool And Flashing The Camera With Friends! [Video]
Turn it to see part 2 with Riri and her team flashing the cameras in the pool.
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Rihanna’s “The Road To Talk That Talk” Part 1 & 2 With Riri Frolicking In A Bikini In Pool And Flashing The Camera With Friends! [Video]
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These terrorists aren’t about that life. U.S. Capitol Police and the FBI on Friday arrested a Moroccan man who was planning a suicide attack on the Capitol, authorities said. The suspect, identified as Amine Khalifi, arrived at a federal courthouse in Alexandria, Virginia, where he was expected to make an appearance in the afternoon, court officials said. In announcing Khalifi’s arrest, Justice Department spokesman Dean Boyd said the man had received what he thought was a vest with explosives, but the materials in the vest had been rendered inoperable by law enforcement. Khalifi was arrested as soon as he accepted the vest from undercover officers, according to a federal law enforcement source. He was also given a gun, which was similarly rendered inoperable, officials said. The 29-year-old suspect was living in Alexandria and was in the United States illegally, the source said. A second source, a government official, said the planned attack was meant to be carried out Friday. Khalifi has lived in the United States for 12 years, the government official said. The investigation began when the suspect began talking with an undercover agent. “The suspect was talking about blowing up military installations, and synagogues and said he wanted to blow up a restaurant,” the government official said. The man had been closely monitored as part of a lengthy and extensive undercover operation, police said, adding that U.S. Capitol Police had been “intimately” involved in the investigation. The public was never in danger, police said. We’ll keep you updated as more news comes. But we know these terrorists don’t want to eff with Barry Obeezy. Photo via WENN More On Bossip! Whitney Houston’s New Jersey Home, Where She Married Bobby Brown, Up For Sale: Take A Peek Inside [Photos] Strange Feelings: The Most Random Celebrity Crushes That Make Us Scratch Our Heads Represent! A History Of Beautiful Women Of Color That Graced Sports Illustrated’s Swimsuit Issues Guess Which Love & Hip-Hop Badazz Brawlin’ Banger Got The Boot At A Fashion Week Show In New York???
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Breaking: Police Stop Suicide Bomber From Attacking The White House
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The troposphere, the lower part of the atmosphere closest to the Earth, is warming and this warming is broadly consistent with both theoretical expectations and climate models, according to a new scientific study that reviews the history of understanding of temperature changes and their causes in this key atmospheric layer. Scientists at NOAA, the NOAA-funded Cooperative Institute for Climate and Satellites (CICS), the United Kingdom Met Office, and the University of Reading in the United Kingdom contributed to the paper, “Tropospheric Temperature Trends: History of an Ongoing Controversy,” a review of four decades of data and scientific papers to be published today by Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews – Climate Change, a peer-reviewed journal. The paper documents how, since the development of the very first climate models in the early 1960s, the troposphere has been projected to warm along with the Earth’s surface because of the increasing amounts of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. This expectation has not significantly changed even with major advances in climate models and is in accord with our basic physical understanding of atmospheric processes. In the 1990s, observations did not show the troposphere, particularly in the tropics, to be warming, even though surface temperatures were rapidly warming. This lack of tropospheric warming was used by some to question both the reality of the surface warming trend and the reliability of climate models as tools. This new paper extensively reviews the relevant scientific analyses — 195 cited papers, model results and atmospheric data sets — and finds that there is no longer evidence for a fundamental discrepancy and that the troposphere is warming. “Looking at observed changes in tropospheric temperature and climate model expectations over time, the current evidence indicates that no fundamental discrepancy exists, after accounting for uncertainties in both the models and observations,” said Peter Thorne, a senior scientist with CICS in Asheville, N.C., and a senior researcher at North Carolina State University. CICS is a consortium jointly led by the University of Maryland and North Carolina State University. cont. added by: JanforGore
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Representative John A. Boehner, soon to be the Speaker of the House, has pledged to fly commercial airlines back to his home district in Ohio. But that does not mean that he will be subjected to the hassles of ordinary passengers, including the controversial security pat-downs. As he left Washington on Friday, Mr. Boehner headed across the Potomac River to Reagan National Airport, which was bustling with afternoon travelers. But there was no waiting in line for Mr. Boehner, who was escorted around the metal detectors and body scanners, and taken directly to the gate. Mr. Boehner, who was wearing a casual yellow sweater and tan slacks, carried his own bags and smiled pleasantly at passengers who were leaving the security checkpoint inside the airport terminal. It was unclear whether any passengers waiting in the security line, including Representative Allen Boyd, a Florida Democrat who lost his re-election bid, saw Mr. Boehner. At a Capitol Hill news conference after Election Day, as Mr. Boehner began laying out the changes he would make when he becomes House Speaker, he announced that he would continue to fly commercial airlines (usually Delta) back to Ohio. It was a not-so-subtle dig at the outgoing Democratic speaker, Nancy Pelosi of California, who had been criticized by Republicans for flying military airplanes when she returned home to San Francisco. “Over the last 20 years, I have flown back and forth to my district on a commercial aircraft,” Mr. Boehner said at the time, “and I am going to continue to do that.” And so on Friday, he did. But not without the perquisites of office, including avoiding those security pat-downs that many travelers are bracing for as holiday travel season approaches. Michael Steel, a spokesman for the Republican leader, said in a statement that Mr. Boehner was not receiving special treatment. And a law enforcement official said that any member of Congress or administration official with a security detail is allowed to bypass security. “The appropriate security procedures for all Congressional leaders, including Speaker Pelosi and Senator Reid, are determined by the Capitol Police working with the Transportation Security Administration,” Mr. Steel said. http://thecaucus.blogs.nytimes.com/2010/11/19/no-security-pat-downs-for-boehner/ added by: ThatCrazyLibertarian
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