I have failed you all… Since you’re russian robot traffic I am not that emotional about failing you… I am actually a non violent psychopath so I don’t really feel emotion, guilt or remorse… I lack empathy…but I do get mad at myself when I look at a set of paparazzi pics, of an important actress like Olivia Wilde…who I have probably talked a lot of shit on over the years because her real name is Cockburn, and I don’t like when a bitch changes her name to run from the burning of cock she was born to be….but instead….decided to go with WILDE…because it is fun, exciting and sounds sophisticated…like the writer Oscar Wilde..right? Point being, I’ve seen her in a bunch of movies, I find her hot and a good actress..and I’m not going to hate on her…expecially not today….where her nipples are out at an event like some kind of hippie…all free spirited tits out…for the fans I am just glad she’s not Emma Stone…or the other shitty actresses that are average looking but who get tons of hype…on some Barbara Streisand shit… I am just sad…she’s not responsible for my cockburn…that was some crackwhore stripper who I should have probably not paid extra to not use a condom with… But then again, the fact I paid for my penis disease when others try to avoid getting it…seems fitting with the kind of man I am …and the kind of life I’ve lived…. TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS CLICK HERE The post Olivia Wilde Nipples at an Event of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepFather.com .
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Olivia Wilde Nipples at an Event of the Day