Tag Archives: certain-lengths

Spoonflower: ‘Online Social Networking’ Meets ‘Print Your Own Fabric’

Move over Amy Butler , there’s a new kid on the block for designer fabrics. All custom-designed by a growing online network of DIYers and printed in Mebane, North Carolina, fabric pattern buffs will appreciate Spoonflower , a print-on-demand service that is also an Etsy -type of online community and marketplace where users can upload, share and purchase a mind-boggling variety of unique pattern designs. From the quirky to the sublime, the site probably has a pattern to … Read the full story on TreeHugger

See the article here:
Spoonflower: ‘Online Social Networking’ Meets ‘Print Your Own Fabric’

Why is Climate Change Coverage Still Lacking in the Media?

Photo via Isiria This week saw a couple lively debates over cap and trade and media coverage and public understanding of climate change. Central to the latter seems to be the question of whether industry interests that go to certain lengths to sew doubt in the public about climate change really have all that much influence over how the average American perceives the threat of global warming… Read the full story on TreeHugger

Read more:
Why is Climate Change Coverage Still Lacking in the Media?