Tag Archives: charger-image

River-Powered Personal Charger Expands Energy Options for the Outdoorsy

Image via Earthtechling When we see personal chargers, they’re almost always based on absorbing energy from the sun . Once in a great while, we also hear of new personal wind-powered chargers . But we almost never hear about water-powered personal chargers. This concept device, called the Vena Microhydro System by designer Danial Hull, bridges a gap in options for the outd… Read the full story on TreeHugger

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River-Powered Personal Charger Expands Energy Options for the Outdoorsy

Nokia Unveils Eco Profiles of Every Device, and Bike-Powered Cell Phone Charger

Images via Nokia Nokia holds a proud ranking of one of the greenest tech companies around, applauded by everyone from Greenpeace to Dow Jones . The company has earned the accolades with tough standards fro green, and they’ve just released two green things we like: profiles of every new gadget they … Read the full story on TreeHugger

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Nokia Unveils Eco Profiles of Every Device, and Bike-Powered Cell Phone Charger