Tag Archives: chick-on-stage

Sofia Vergara Ice Cream Lickin’ of the Day

It is hot as fuck outside, so what better way to celebrate all the hot moms and their daughter out together trying to cool off together, playing out one of my fantasies, but posting a GIF of Sofia Vergara stuffing her fat ass face with ice cream like she can afford to eat the calories, you know cuz she’s a 40 year old mom and has fat tits and people appreciate her curve, even though every time I see bitches eat ice cream, I get totally fucking disgusted, knowing just what they are doing to themselves, before remembering that if they dont’ care about what goes into them, then I may have a fucking chance getting inside them… I’m on my way to apply for a job at Dairy Queen right now….cuz ice cream is where summer magic happens….and sucking creamy white high calorie dairy product from a phallus is sometimes too suggestive for my numb, desensitized soul to handle…. TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS FOLLOW THIS LINK

The rest is here:
Sofia Vergara Ice Cream Lickin’ of the Day

Lana Del Lips Boring Over Produced Upskirt in Concert of the Day

Lana Del Rey may be a scam, or at least a disappointment, you know when you discovered that that soulful sound that came out of her was just a marketing hook made in a lab or studio by someone who was paid a lot of money by Lana Del Rey’s dad to keep Lana Del Rey out of trouble….you know when she wasn’t too busy getting lip injections…..cuz I know the second I saw her perform live – I questioned why I played her video on repeat so many times while cried myself to sleep asking myself why my heart doesn’t bleed….. I once said, it’s all commercial all the time with this slag, but as a pervert, I dont’ care about authenticity or her music, I just care about hot chicks on stage in skirts, or even any chick on stage in skirts, or even anyone who isn’t my wife on stage in skirts, so I can look up and see what they really have to offer, so Lana Del Rey, joke or not, clown or not, viral video sensation or not, is a fucking star to me…because she has a vagina I anticipate seeing more of…even if just to see first hand whether she jacks it up like she does with the lips on her face…. TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS FOLLOW THIS LINK

Originally posted here:
Lana Del Lips Boring Over Produced Upskirt in Concert of the Day