Tag Archives: chief-advisor

Jeff Sessions Selected to Be U.S. Attorney General

It looks like Jeff Sessions will be our next U.S. Attorney General. The senator from Alabama has been nominated to this vital position by President-Elect Donald Trump, who has once again stirred up quite a bit of controversy before getting into the Oval Office. Sessions is a 69-year old staunch Conservative who often campaigned alongside Trump. He has been an outspoken supporter of the former Celebrity Apprentice star for months. But that is not the controversial part, unless you think scandal ought to follow around anyone who advocated Donald Trump for President. Sessions formerly worked as a prosecutor and was elected into the Senate in 1996. He currently serves on the Judiciary Committee and is best known for his strong opposition to immigration reform, along with his objection to bipartisan proposals to cut mandatory minimum prison sentences. He has supporter Trump’s proposal to build a wall along the Mexican border and he is all about deporting illegal aliens from America. According to The New York Times, Sessions was nominated in 1986 by the late president Ronald Reagan for a federal judgeship. However, this nomination was rejected due to a series of racially charged comments the politician had made in the past. At the time, Sessions’ nomination was only one of two to be rejected by the panel in almost five decades. What sort of divisive remarks has Sessions been accused of uttering? He had earlier branded civil rights organizations such as the NAACP and the Southern Christian Leadership Conference as “un-American” and “Communist-inspired.” He also once said that the Ku Klux Klan was fine by him, although he lost some respect for its members when he learned they smoked pot. (Sessions does not deny making this comment, but says it was made in jest.) Then there’s the case of Thomas H. Hughes. An African American prosecutor, he alleges that Sessions referred to him as “boy.” “Jeff has been a highly respected member of the U.S. Senate for 20 years,” Trump said in a statement. “He is a world-class legal mind and considered a truly great Attorney General and US Attorney in the state of Alabama. Jeff is greatly admired by legal scholars and virtually everyone who knows him.” Millions of people around the globe are growing more and more concerned by the kinds of people Trump is assigning to key White House positions. He previously announced that Steve Bannon would serve as a chief advisor and… well… you can learn more about Steve Bannon here: View Slideshow: Steve Bannon: Who is Trump’s White Nationalist Chief Advisor? Sessions was one of President Barack Obama’s loudest opponents, voting against his nominees to the Supreme Court from his post on the Judiciary Committee and opposing Obama’s other major domestic initiatives. He also seems to be in favor of Trump’s ban on Muslims. “He simply said, and the way I understand it is, that we should slow down. Let’s have a pause and begin to analyze where the threats are coming from,” Sessions told CNN in June, amidst questions about whether or not Trump’s position was shifting. “We have a toxic ideology, hopefully very small within Islam; certainly most people, most Muslims don’t agree with this violent, jihadist approach. “And we need to figure out a better way to identify that.” What do you think of Jeff Sessions as Attorney General? What about Mike Pompeo as CIA Director? Learn more about the latter below: Mike Pompeo to Be Named C.I.A. Director

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Jeff Sessions Selected to Be U.S. Attorney General