Tag Archives: children-event

Jesus Take The Camcorder: Priest Finds Out Church Is Being Used As Freaky Film Set Behind His Back

One way ticket with gasoline draws on… Priest Presses Charges After Finding His Church Used For Pornography An Austrian priest discovered that his church was being used as a film set for blasphemous bang-sessions without his knowledge or consent. He was tipped off by a concerned church member who came forward after recognizing the sanctuary while viewing one of the freaky films on the internet . We bet that was an awkward conversation to say the least… Via DailyStar : A furious priest had his suspicions confirmed and went straight to police after discovering a local woman had been using the holy building as a studio to make films. Someone had tipped him off after recognizing the interior of the church in Hoersching, Austria, from a clip that had been uploaded to the Internet. The sexy videos show the dark-haired local woman wearing jeans and a white blouse holding a rosary in one hand and the Bible in the other. But the house of God soon turned into the house of sin. Police are now investigating exactly how the crew and actors managed to get into the church, which was used without permission. Those involved may be charged for creating “mischief” liable to cause legitimate nuisance in a church or religious community. They could face six months in prison or a fine. The Diocese of Linz said in a statement: “The sacraments which were celebrated in the past few weeks in the parish church are still considered valid. “But they may still require the local bishop to come and perform a service of purification.” Hopefully this purification service includes the bleaching and sanitation the pews of this sinful sanctuary. People have to sit there in their nice clothes on Sunday morning! DailyStar/CEN

Originally posted here:
Jesus Take The Camcorder: Priest Finds Out Church Is Being Used As Freaky Film Set Behind His Back

Nicole Murphy Of Hollywood Exes Exclusive: Eddie Murphy’s Support, Effect On Perception Of Reality TV Black Women, Strahan, And More [Video]

Nicole Murphy talked to us at the Pre-ESPY Awards’ American Federation for Children Event in LA.

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Nicole Murphy Of Hollywood Exes Exclusive: Eddie Murphy’s Support, Effect On Perception Of Reality TV Black Women, Strahan, And More [Video]

Nicole Murphy Of Hollywood Exes Exclusive: Eddie Murphy’s Support, Effect On Perception Of Reality TV Black Women, Strahan, And More [Video]

Nicole Murphy talked to us at the Pre-ESPY Awards’ American Federation for Children Event in LA.

See the article here:
Nicole Murphy Of Hollywood Exes Exclusive: Eddie Murphy’s Support, Effect On Perception Of Reality TV Black Women, Strahan, And More [Video]