Tag Archives: choices-lend

Today’s Awards-Season Trading Card Star: Natalie Portman

It’s time once again to return to Movieline’s recently undertaken mission to honor this year’s acting and directing nominees with a tribute that will surely outlive any trophy they could ever hope to receive: one of our daily inaugural Awards-Season Trading Cards. Today, let’s give it up for Best Actress nominee Natalie Portman!

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Today’s Awards-Season Trading Card Star: Natalie Portman

Roger Deakins Plays My Favorite Scene: ‘It’s Totally Chilling… and Quite Brilliant’

Much of the emotional power of Joel and Ethan Coen’s Best Picture contender True Grit comes from the contributions of longtime collaborator and nine-time Oscar nominee Roger Deakins, a cinematographer whose compositions and visual choices lend the Western a subtle, nostalgic quality. It’s fitting, then, that when Deakins played My Favorite Scene with Movieline recently, he pointed toward a film that also utilizes the understated to great — but very different — effect.

Roger Deakins Plays My Favorite Scene: ‘It’s Totally Chilling… and Quite Brilliant’