Tag Archives: chris-hondros

Brooke Mueller: Rehab By Day, Mom By Night!

It’s not exactly conventional, but Brooke Mueller’s arrangement – drug rehab during the day and taking care of her kids at night – does the job. At least a judge felt that way when denying Charlie Sheen’s bid for full custody of their children and leaving their custody agreement in place. The custody judge ruled she’s still able to take care of her twins per the deal struck with Sheen – with help from an army of nannies, of course. The judge did make one change in the agreement. Both Brooke and Charlie must submit to random drug testing weekly, more frequently than before. Also factoring into the decision not to award full custody to Sheen? The fact that we’re talking about Charlie Sheen here. Brooke has a lot of leeway. Judge Hank Goldberg was well aware Brooke had relapsed , but was equally disturbed by Charlie’s drug abuse and the fact that he brags about it. Goldberg also felt Charlie’s parenting skills – or lack thereof – did not warrant a change . Brooke’s lawyers raised issues of domestic violence, too. From what we can tell, no new allegations were made against the actor, although you don’t have to look too far back in order to find some.

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Brooke Mueller: Rehab By Day, Mom By Night!

Tim Hetherington, Restrepo Director, Killed in Libya

Documentary filmmaker Tim Hetherington, a 2011 Oscar nominee who directed the acclaimed Afghanistan war film Restrepo , was killed today in Libya. The veteran correspondent was only 41 years old. Hetherington died in the Libyan city of Misurat Three photographers working in alongside him chronicling the Libyan civil conflict, were also injured. One, Chris Hondros, reportedly suffered a critical brain wound. Guy Martin, who was with Hondros and Hetherington, is said to be in “grave” condition. The British-born Hetherington found great critical success with Restrepo , which he co-directed alongside frequent journalist collaborator Sebastian Junger. The Oscar-nominated film followed American soldiers in Afghanistan’s deadly Korengal Valley, known as the deadliest valley in the war zone. The film was widely critically praised and took the Grand Jury prize at the Sundance Film Festival in 2010. It earned an Oscar nomination for best documentary. While details are still emerging as to exactly what happened, Reuters reported that Hetherington and his group were attacked by fatal mortar fire . “Sad news Tim Hetherington died in Misrata now when covering the front line. Chris Hondros is in a serious status,” wrote fellow photographer and close, longtime Hetherington friend Andr