Chris Brown recently revealed 25 fun facts about himself to Us Weekly, including some very interesting revelations about life, love and parenting. The primary takeaways from the magazine’s feature on the R&B star? Trying to figure out what goes on in his head is useless; In many ways he is a walking, talking contradiction; He may not know the meaning of certain words. There are some nice ones, like “I bought my mom a $1 million dollar house when I was 15 years old” and “I love dancing with my daughter Royalty .” Chris also owns 14 Burger Kings, although he doesn’t eat beef, directs all his own music videos, got his first tattoo at 13, and so on and so forth. Brown was kind enough to reveal 25 facts about himself that most people don’t know, and by “kind,” we mean “inconsiderate and hurtful.” But then it just got weird. “I’m the only singer who has been incarcerated and had a No. 1 record at the same time,” he reveals, as though this were a feather in his cap. (The song was ” Loyal .”) Oh, and “When I was 6, I witnessed a relative attempt suicide.” He left out the fact that he lost his virginity at age 8 , but dude’s childhood explains a lot. We’re not saying Breezy isn’t responsible for his many misdeeds, but upbringing plays a huge role. Then he gets even more deep. And disturbed. “I paint monsters that are mirror images of people’s negative views of me,” he adds. “I smile a lot because this world doesn’t allow for people to cry.” Seriously? Finally, for his very last fact on Us Weekly’s “25 Things” feature , Chris delivers the coup de grace: “I think the best thing God created was a woman.” Comment rendered unnecessary, but if he’s capable of doing the things he does to the finest thing God can create, that sort of sums up his psyche. Good thing he also reveals he speaks with a pastor and a therapist on a regular basis, because their services are clearly needed and then some.
Read more:
Chris Brown: I’m the Only Singer to Have a #1 Hit … While in Jail!