Tag Archives: combat-boots

Aubrey O’Day Twitter Bikini Pics of the Day

Aubrey O’Day is some fat chick who pretends she isn’t fat…or more importantly that she isn’t the lowest piece of bottom feeding gutter trash at the bottom really shitty broken down barrel of reality TV stars…. You know she thinks she’s talented, she thinks she’s hot, she thinks she’s matter but she’s really done nothing relevant…substantial…important…or interesting… She’s just fucking annoying. The fucking worst. But she shoots her self in self shot pics like a fucking typical fucking whore…cropping out her face….so no one notices…or because she’s using a body double…but I think it comes from an experienced pussy spreading pics place….

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Aubrey O’Day Twitter Bikini Pics of the Day

Juliette Lewis in Her bikini of the Day

Juliette Lewis is a monster, but I would fuck the dirty, grimey, smelly, greasy, dying shit out of her, despite the HIV scare that is her pussy. She just screams “lock me in your fucking basement, because I am wigging the fuck out and need to be tamed”….as she’s smashing her crackhead face against the wall in some bad tripping unstabe rage….all toothless and willing to have her face fucked….because she doesn’t know what the fuck is going on…and for some reason….a reason I call loving crackwhores with money….I love it….. To See the Rest of Juliette Lewis Bikini Pics FOLLOW THIS LINK

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Juliette Lewis in Her bikini of the Day

Random Candice Swanepoel Nipple Photoshoot of the Day

I have no idea where or when these Candice Swanepoel pics are from….but I know that doesn’t matter because all that matters is that they exist….I like that bitch is showing her amazing nipple…all pierced like a biker lesbian without the combat boots, armpit hair, small penis syndrome, organic vegan burger with a massive fat ass that makes you wonder how fat her dyke ass would be if she wasn’t a fucking vegan….and it is glorious…and all part of my converting this site to a Candice Swanepoel fan site – cuz she’s all that matters….

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Random Candice Swanepoel Nipple Photoshoot of the Day

StyleBlazer NYC Street Fashion Shots 01.06.12: The Coolest Winter Trends

StyleBlazer NYC Street Fashion Shots 01.06.12: The Coolest Winter Trends

Karina Smirnoff and J.R. Martinez

“J.R. has girly feet and they are beautiful,” Karina gushed during Thursday#39;s waltz rehearsal. “Good toes, good pedicure. Much nicer than my feet!” Martinez, 28, who was severely injured in the war burns over much of his body, says he#39;s overjoyed to be taking orders from the ballroom pro. It looks like combat boots can work wonders. Two weeks into Dancing with the Stars rehearsals, Karina Smirnoff has found her favorite body part on partner J.R. Martinez, the All My Children actor and

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Karina Smirnoff and J.R. Martinez