Tag Archives: communist-born

Joanna Krupa Bottom Feeding Bikini of the Day

The Real Housewives Of Miami has been cancelled…and no one gives a fuck because that bullshit sucked. Except maybe Joanna Krupa, I mean she got married to live out this lie probably assuming the show would go on forever and people would care about her nonsense until the end of time… The fact is that she technically shouldn’t even be on TV, she was a washed up Maxim Model, which at the time was pretty fucking low level modelling, and now is non-existent modelling…who somehow tricked Dancing with the Stars to cast her….allowing her American dream bullshit storyline of a communist born, communist escapee, trying to live the American dream life, despite being here since she was 2 and likely raised a spoiled brat because her parents were excited about Captialist society…and then she leveraged that to get on some other retarded show…and here she is now pushing 40 with nothing left to do but show her tits on the beach… It doesn’t matter, I don’t know why I am posting it, I think I have a sick obsession with posting pics of people in bikinis who society deem important, when they really aren’t. It’s a problem…but only because there is so much better shit to talk about…but instead I’m looking at this… TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS CLICK HERE

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Joanna Krupa Bottom Feeding Bikini of the Day