Tag Archives: convicted-black

Megyn Kelly Interviews Innocent Black Man Wrongly Convicted AND Crooked White Cop Who Framed Him

(Photo by: Nathan Congleton/NBC/NBCU Photo Bank via Getty Images) Megyn Kelly Interviews Bad Cop And Wrongfully Convicted Black Man He Framed About Their Unlikely Friendship Dang, did we have it wrong about Megyn Kelly ? Or nah? This week, for a special segment on forgiveness Megyn Kelly sat down with a white former police officer and one of the black men he framed, resulting in a ten-year sentence for drug dealing. Watch below: Here are the basics: Andrew Collins started falsifying warrants and police reports while working at the Benton Harbor Police Department. Three years later, while on the job, Collins mistakenly accused Jameel McGee of dealing drugs. Collins tailored police report falsely stating McGee was in possession of drugs and the man was convicted and sentenced to 10 years in jail. Three years into his sentence, McGee discovered Collins had been arrested. Collins told Kelly that he was “called to” reconcile with McGee after coincidentally meeting him in a park. “How did you get past the point of ‘Oh, no,’ to now they call each other brothers?” Kelly asked McGee. McGee suggested God had brought the two men together: “I know it wasn’t my doing.” “It was the Lord,” Kelly insisted. “It took years to get to this point,” McGee noted. Collins said that he had also been able to forgive himself after years of being a dirty cop. “Because I can’t walk through what God has for me if I’m going to keep myself in a prison of my past,” Collins opined. “And we also realized that God saved this story for a very unique time in our country. You know, you see a black man who was innocent, completely innocent, framed by a white police officer.” In 2011, after finally forming a friendship, Collins and McGee wrote their book, Convicted: A Crooked Cop, An Innocent Man And An Unlikely Journey of Forgiveness. Does this interview help change your opinion about Megyn Kelly?

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Megyn Kelly Interviews Innocent Black Man Wrongly Convicted AND Crooked White Cop Who Framed Him